MScSM Program Director

Professor, Forest Economies and Management
Institute for Management and Innovation
University of Toronto Mississauga
Innovation Complex, 3359 Mississauga Road, Ontario, L5L1C6
Phone: 905-569-5739
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
33 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario. M5S 3B3

Phone: 416-978-6196
Shashi's full CV can be found here.
Research Grants
Total grants received are about $3.2 million; it is equal to average annual grant of $145,000
Date Recieved | Amount | Project Name, Funding Agency and Nature of Grant |
2022-23 | Can$45,000 | Social Value Analysis and Creation, Mitacs Business Strategy Internships Grant |
2022-23 | Can$10,000 | Estimation of Carbon Emissions from Commuting of Employees and Students to UTM Campus, UTM Mobility Network |
2021-23 | Can$100,000 | Scope 3 Emissions: A Conceptual Accounting Framework and Measurement of Selected Categories of Emissions, Climate Positive Energy Research Initiative U of T, Group Grant |
2021-22 |
Can$50,000 |
Circular Economy in Fashion Industry, PDF Funding by Centre of Urban Environments, University of Toronto Mississauga |
2021-22 |
Can$10,000 |
Creating a baseline for Science Based Targets in the apparel industry, Mitacs, Business Strategy Internship Grant |
2021-22 |
Can$10,000 |
Green Industries Directory Study, Mitacs, Business Strategy Internship Grant |
2020-21 |
Can$6,000 |
Post Life Legacy for Sustainability; Research Training Award, Mitacs, Individual Grant |
2013-18 |
Can$230,000 |
Spatial and Non-Spatial Timber Market Models and Game Theoretic Models of Sustainable Forest Management; Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Individual Grant
Bifurcation and Game Theoretic Models for Sustainable Forest Management and Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Individual Grant. |
2011-15 | Can$133,397 | Environmental preferences and sustainable forest management: a comparative analysis. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Principal Investigator – Group Project) |
2014-15 | Can$42,500 | Detailing the Forest Resource Biomass for Industry Advancement Natural Resource Canada |
2014-15 | Can$4,600 | Game Theoretic Modeling of Joint Forest Management in India Mitacs |
2014-15 | Can$6,000 | Environmental Values of Students in Ontario SSHRC Student Award (University Internal) |
2007-13 | Can$132,000 | Multi-agent Modelling of Forest Management in Ontario Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) (Individual Grant) |
2004-12 | Can$100,000 | Economics of Sustainable Forest Management: Social Choice and Agent-Based Approach Ministry of Science and Technology, Ontario, Canada (Individual Grant) |
2009-10 | Can$20,000 | Incentive Mechanisms for the Provision of Ecosystem Services in Southern Ontario Social Science and Humanities Research Council Community University Research Alliance – Environmental Issues Special Call (Principal Investigator – Group Project) |
2008-9 | Can$30,000 | Community-based Management for Carbon Sequestration and Ecological Services in China and Canada SSHRC and IDRC (International Community-University Research Alliance) (Co-Investigator – Group Project) |
2007-9 | Can$160,000 | Economics of Aboriginal Land Use Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton (SFMN was one of the National Centres of Excellence (NCE) funded by NSERC and SSHRC) (Principal Investigator – Group Project) |
2007-10 | Can$225,000 | Evaluating the Ecological, Economic, and Social Trade-offs of Managing for various Plants and Other NTFPs (Co-Investigator, Group Project) |
2007-10 | Can$75,000 | Silviculture Effectiveness and Consequences of Using Vegetation Management Alternatives in Boreal and Temperate Coniferous Forests: A Synthesis Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Co-Investigator - Group Grant) |
2006-09 | Can$570,000 | Market and Institutional Structures, Economic Welfare, and the Global Competitiveness of the Canadian Forest Industry; Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton (Principal Investigator - Group Grant) |
2005-08 | Can$472,000 | A Participatory Approach to Aboriginal Tenure Reform in Canada Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton, (Co-Investigator - Group Grant) |
2005-06 | US$60,000 | Developing a Comprehensive Understanding of Environment for Development United Nations Environment Program, Washington DC (Individual Grant) |
2002-03 | US$50,000 | A Global Assessment of Protected Areas on International Boundaries United Nations Environment Programmes, Nairobi, Kenya (Individual Grant) |
2003-06 | Can$68,000 | Sustainable Forest Management through Co-management in Northern Ontario (Phase II): Northern Boreal Initiative. Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton (Individual Grant) |
2002-06 | Can$76,000 | Forest-level Modelling for Sustainable Management of Uneven- aged Hardwood Forests Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) (Individual Grant) |
2001-04 | Can$79,000 | Public Participation through Local Citizens Committees in North-western Ontario Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFMN), Edmonton (Individual Grant) |
2001-04 | Can$126,000 | Sustainable Forest Management through Co-management in North-western Ontario. CFS/NSERC/SSHRC Partnership Program (Individual Grant) |
2001-02 | Can$25,000 | International Workshop on Natural Capital, Poverty, and Development. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (Conference Grant) |
2001-02 | US$15,000 | Organizational Inertia in the Forest Department of India Ford Foundation, New Delhi, India (Individual Grant) |
2000-03 | Can$120,000 | Sustainable Forest Management through Co-management in North-western Ontario. Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFMN), Edmonton, (Principal Investigator - Group Grant) |
2000-03 | Can$31,000 | Sustainable Forest Management through Co-management in North-western Ontario. Bowater, Weyerhaeuser, and KBM (Principal Investigator - Group Grant) |
1999-02 | Can$44,000 | Derived Supply Curves of Biodiversity of Uneven-aged Forests of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Region of Ontario. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (Individual Grant) |
1998-02 | Can$70,000 | Stochastic modelling for sustainable management of uneven-aged forests. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) (Individual Grant) |
1998-01 | Can$30,000 | Valuation of biodiversity in the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence forests of Ontario. Connaught New Staff Matching Grants, University of Toronto (Individual Grant) |
1999-00 | Can$10,000 | Incorporating aboriginal perspective in forestry curricula: building on experience and relationships with First Nation communities University of Toronto, Toronto (Individual Grant) |
1998-00 | US$18,228 | A comparative study of bamboo institutions and production to consumption systems in China and India. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing, China (Individual Grant) |
1998-99 | Can$2,557 | Local institutions and sustainable development of local communities. (Vice-President's SSHRC Fund) (Individual Grant) |
1997-98 | Can$3,645 | Local institutions and economic reform for the development of Aboriginal communities (A comparative study of India and Canada) Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Alberta. Individual Grant) |
1994-96 | US$18,000 | Joint forest management: some economic issues. Ford Foundation, New Delhi, India. (Individual Grant) |
1993-95 | US$15,000 | Role of wild biological resources in economic development of local communities. Biodiversity Support Program, Washington, D.C. (Individual Grant) |