Jeremy graduated from the University of Guelph in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and a Certificate in Business. His passion laid in the sciences, and he was able to advance his knowledge strongly on climate science, ecosystem science, and ecology. Course work was interdisciplinary in nature. Often, projects looked at environmental issues from social and economic lenses as well. Also finding a knack for business and believing policy to be an important tool for change, Jeremy took electives in environmental economics, law & policy, business management, and finance, among else.
Jeremy completed three internships while attending the University of Guelph. The first was at the Region of Peel, holding the position of Assistant Technical Analyst. This position lay in Waste Management and Infrastructure Development, that is, Jeremy’s primary role was to ensure that new infrastructure would accommodate good waste management, in ensuring compliance of Design Standards. During his time at the Region of Peel, Jeremy produced an environmental scan of other municipality’s waste management systems and wrote extensively on the Region’s own waste management system, including programs and infrastructure, and their Roadmap to a Circular Economy. Jeremy held the title of Project Lead in his second internship, wrapping up a four-year field study on the contributions of bedding plants grown by Ontario greenhouses to pollinator protection in urban areas; a collaborative research project between the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, and the University of Guelph. Jeremy was just happy to study bees.
Jeremy’s final internship while attending the University of Guelph was with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, as Junior Policy Analyst. Like his previous internships, Jeremy was able to apply an analytical eye while realizing just how much there was to sustainability beyond the science and environmental aspect. Primarily, Jeremy’s role was to research, compile a report, and present internally on sustainable sourcing commitments, environmental targets, and initiatives related to climate change, water, and biodiversity, but Jeremy also took it upon himself to summarize sustainability reporting frameworks, such as that produced by the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, for his team.
Once graduated, Jeremy was contracted by Achieve Sustainability to develop a financial incentives database for decarbonization efforts. The resulting database captured 40+ financial incentive programs and $8 billion + in financing, leveraging Airtable software. In the summer of 2024, Jeremy worked part-time for Achieve Sustainability, researching and reporting on climate-related transition risks and requirements of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
Jeremy has also volunteered in his field. Following a course of personal interest, in watershed management, Jeremy completed a research assistantship with a professor, analyzing the changing role of Conservation Authorities under new provincial legislation (Bill 229), and wrote a policy analysis paper on the topic. Jeremy was not happy to hear of the recent approach which certain political leaders have taken in avoiding zoning designations and the public’s right to consultation in fast-tracking new developments. On a more positive note, Jeremy is keen to contribute to advancing sustainability in his school community and enjoys discussion on sustainability topics with peers, as he was able to do with the Guelph Students for Environmental Change.
Outside of sustainability, Jeremy has paddled with and coached the University of Guelph Dragon Boat Club and is considering joining a Toronto crew. In his spare time, Jeremy has picked up archery, is a horror film aficionado, and a foodie.