Becky Sober

Rebecca Sober

Honours Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science, Minor in Biology • McMaster University


Becky completed her Honours Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science at McMaster University, with a minor in Biology. Through her undergraduate, her passion for sustainability, conservation, and environmental research grew significantly. Although always an avid environmentalist, Becky found having the knowledge and skills to apply towards everyday problems in regards to environmental issues an exceptionally rewarding feeling. Becky is largely interested in environmental conservation, with a particular interest in marine ecosystem conservation.

Through past job opportunities Becky has had the opportunity to immerse herself within the sustainability industry. Working with Daisy Energy, a solar installation company, Becky completed articles that touched on various solar energy related issues, questions, or real world examples for customers to educate themselves with. One of her favorite articles involved interviewing Mohawk Colleges Sustainability Research Chair on their newly built zero carbon building, the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation. She also worked as the Sustainability Market Manager for Loco Fields, a farm & online food portal focused on sustainable farming techniques and low impact, low waste farming. As the market manager she had the opportunity to experience a wide array of positions, from sustainable vendor outreach and onboarding, to HR, to accounting, to social media & marketing. Becky has also worked as a Research Assistant alongside multiple labs, allowing her to get a taste for what field of research peaked her interest most. Through a research experience in Madagascar, Becky reaffirmed her love for marine research and ocean conservation and further pushed her to pursue a background in sustainability.

In her spare time, Becky loves anything food & cooking related (in another life she may have tried to be a chef), good books, and anything outdoors. Hiking & camping are among her favorite activities, with travel being at the very top. While leisure activities are exceptionally important to Becky, she is eager to make her mark within the sustainability world and experience positive, significant change within her professional career in the sustainability & conservation industry.

Becky's MScSM Internship: Scotiabank


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Becky's Research Poster

becky research

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