Meet the Team

The UTM Moves Team is comprised of dedicated UTM student staff who work together to organize physical activity and wellness focused events and initiatives on campus, in an effort to promote student wellbeing, community and belonging. UTM Moves staff also help guide students in finding the right fit in terms of classes and activities at the RAWC to suit their individual needs.

Summer 2024 Team Roster

Headshot of Hoor Atique

Hoor Atique (She/Her) | UTM Moves Summer Lead

Hi everyone! My name is Hoor Atique and I'm in my second year at UTM pursuing a degree in the Criminology Specialist program. I have always been passionate about wellness and am an advocate for mental health. With my previous role I worked with the UTM Moves team and admired their work and decided to join and help grow the program. 

Movement to me means meditation. It's a way for me to connect to my body, self expression and a way for me to communicate my emotions. When I engage in movement, whether it's through dance, yoga, or simply going for a walk, I focus on my wellbeing and mindfulness. I stay active by regularly going on walks and to the gym. I also enjoy exploring other forms of physical activity like swimming or pilates, which adds variety to my routine and keeps me motivated. 
By incorporating different activities, I ensure that staying active remains enjoyable and sustainable. For students who want to focus more on their wellbeing and fitness, I would recommend carving out 30 minutes a day to integrate these steps into your daily routine. It can feel overwhelming initially, so starting small and gradually building up will help you establish a routine and better manage your time. This approach allows you to progressively work towards your goals and prioritize what's important to you. 
Headshot of Aidan Singh
Aidan Singh | UTM Moves Summer Lead
Hi UTM, my name is Aidan Singh, I am currently in my 2nd year of study, majoring in Biology for Health Sciences and minoring in Chemistry & Psychology.
What drew me to the UTM moves team is the overall initiative of promoting wellness at UTM, a topic which I feel very passionate about. Movement to me is getting out of the sedentary lifestyle most people are accustomed to. I stay active by weight training on a daily basis, participating in various UTM drop-ins, and choose walking as much as possible!
One piece of advice I'd give UTM students who want to improve their wellbeing and fitness, is by findng a form of physical activity which they enjoy and can do consistently with their student schedules. I look forward to meeting you at UTM Walks and events in the near future!
Headshot of Kenneth Wong
Kenneth Wong | UTM Moves Summer Lead
My name is Kenneth Wong and I am 3rd year Neuroscience student at UTM. I hope to contribute to the RAWC, my favourite place at UTM, and encourage more people to be more active in their lives.
I spend my free time weight lifting in the gym, and I am working towards incorporating more cardio into my routine.
One tip I would give students who want to focus more on their wellbeing and fitness is to start with easy routines and take baby steps so that they can stay consistent with being active.