Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons at UTM

Swimming Lessons

We are proud to offer swimming lessons at UTM for all levels and a variety of age groups. Please see below for the various swimming lessons we will be offering:

*Swim Assessments – If you are new to the program and are not sure what level to register in, we can do a swim assessment prior to registering. Please email the Welcome Desk at rawcwelcome@utoronto.ca to organize a time.

Swim assessments take approximately 10 minutes, if a child can not swim on their own, a guardian will have to go in the water with them.

Refunds/ Cancellation Policy

Cancellation requests submitted at least 14 days prior to the first day of the program will receive a full refund of the registration fee for the program with no administrative fee applied to the refund. 

Cancellation requests submitted less than 14 days prior to the start of the program will have an administrative fee of 10% of the program registration fee applied to the registration refund.

Refunds are not provided for cancellations requested more than 2 days after the first class.  

For Aquatic Certification courses, refunds are not provided once the 2nd class has started.

Spring registration will begin on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 7:30 AM

Click the swimming lesson buttons below to see lesson dates, times and prices:

Preschool 1Preschool 2Preschool 3
Preschool 4Preschool 5 
Swimmer 1Swimmer 2Swimmer 3
Swimmer 4Swimmer 5Swimmer 6
Swimmer 7Swimmer 8Swimmer 9
Adult 1A Adult 1BAdult 2
Adult 3  
Private Lessons: Swimmer 1-6Private Lessons: AdultBronze Star
Bronze MedallionFitness Swimmer 

Swimming Lesson Descriptions

Parent & Tot Lessons

These programs are designed for participants 4 months-3 years old.

Parent & Tot 1

This level is designed for 4-12-month-old participants. It is all about helping your child feel and explore the water by floating, splashing, reaching and paddling. You’ll learn how to help your child play in and play with the water with comfort and confidence.

This program will not be running in Spring.

 Parent & Tot 2

This level is designed for 12-24 month-old participants. This level teaches children to get their faces wet and blow bubbles (the first step in breath control). With your assistance, your child recovers objects below the surface, performs front and back floats and learns how to travel at the surface by kicking.

This program will not be running in Spring.

Parent & Tot 3

This level is designed for 2-3 year –olds. They’ll have fun jumping into the water and getting out without assistance. They learn to hold their breath and open their eyes underwater to recover an object from the bottom. Mastering front and back floats starfish and pencil positions and kicking on their front and back.  

This program will not be running in Spring.

Preschool Lessons 

These programs are designed for participants 3 years-5 years old.

Preschool 1

These preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water.  We will help them jump into chest-deep water. They will try floating on their front and back and glide on their back while wearing a personal flotation device (PFD). They will learn to get their face wet and blow bubbles underwater.

Register for Preschool 1

Preschool 2

These preschoolers learn to jump into chest-deep water by themselves and get in and get out wearing a PFD.  They will submerge and exhale underwater. They will glide on their front and back while wearing a PFD. 

Register for Preschool 2

Preschool 3

These preschoolers will try both jumping and a side roll into deep water while wearing a PFD. They will recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. They will work on kicking and gliding through the water on their front and back. 

Register for Preschool 3

Preschool 4

Advanced preschoolers will learn to do solo jumps into deeper water and get out alone. They will do side-roll entries and open their eyes underwater. They will aster a short (3-5m) swim on their front and gliding and kicking on their side. 

Register for Preschool 4

Preschool 5

These preschoolers get more adventurous with a front roll entry wearing a PFD and holding their breath underwater for up to 10 sec.  They will work on longer front and back crawl swims, interval training and whip kick. 

Register for Preschool 5

Learn to Swim

These programs are designed for participants 5 year-12 years old.

Swimmer 1

These beginners will become comfortable jumping into the water with and without a lifejacket. They’ll learn to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. They’ll work on floats, glides and kicking through the water on their front and back.

Register for Swimmer 1 Lessons

Swimmer 2

These advanced beginners will jump into deeper water, and learn to be comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a PFD. They’ll be able to support themselves at the surface without an aid, learn whip kick, swim 10m on their front and back and be introduced to flutter kick interval training (4 x 5m).

Register for Swimmer 2 Lessons

Swimmer 3

These junior swimmers will dive and do in-water front somersaults and handstands. They’ll work on 15m of front crawl, back crawl and 10m of whip kick. Flutter kick interval training increases (4x 15m).

Register for Swimmer 3 Lessons

Swimmer 4

These intermediate swimmers will swim 5m underwater and lengths of front crawl, back crawl, whip kick and breaststroke arms with breathing.  Their new bag of tricks includes the completion of the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard. They’ll cap it all off with front crawl sprints over 25m and 4x 25m front or back crawl interval training.

Register for Swimmer 4 Lessons

 Swimmer 5

These swimmers will master shallow dives, cannonball entries, eggbeater kicks and in-water backward somersaults.  They’ll refine their front and back crawl over 30m swims of each and breaststroke over 25m. Then, they pick up the pace in 25m sprints and two interval training bouts: 4x 50m front or back crawl and 4x 15m breaststroke.

Register for Swimmer 5 Lessons

Swimmer 6

These advanced swimmers will rise to the challenge of sophisticated aquatic skills including stride entries, compact jumps and lifesaving kicks like eggbeaters and scissor kicks.  They’ll develop strength and power in head-up breaststroke sprints over 25m.  They’ll easily swim lengths of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke and they’ll complain about the 300m workout.  

Register for Swimmer 6 Lessons

 Swimmer 7

Swimmers continue stroke development with 50m swims of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke.  Lifesaving sports skills include a 25m obstacle swim and 15m object carry.  First aid focuses on the assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS and treatment for bleeding. Fitness improves in 350m workouts and 100m timed swims.

Register for Swimmer 7 Lessons

 Swimmer 8

Swimmers develop better strokes over 75m swims of each stroke. They tackle lifesaving sports skills in a medley, timed object support and rescue with a buoyant aid. First aid focuses on the assessment of unconscious victims, and treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Skill drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation.

Register for Swimmer 8 Lessons

 Swimmer 9

Swimmers are challenged with 600m workouts, 300m timed swims and a 25m object carry. Strokes are refined over 100m swims. First aid focuses on the treatment of bone or joint injuries and respiratory emergencies including asthma and allergic reactions.  Lifesaving skills include defence methods, victim removals and rolling over and supporting a victim face up in shallow water.

Register for Swimmer 9 Lessons

Fitness Swimmer

For participants aged 11-17 with a minimum of Swimmer 4/Adult 2 completed. In this course, swimmers will work on their fitness and endurance by completing pre-set workouts from their instructor and learning to design their own workout that includes a warm up, a main set and a cool down. Swimmers work to beat their own previous achievements, and can continue to develop their stroke technique as they work towards further distances. This is a great course to take in conjunction with leadership courses or Swimmer levels 5 – 9.

Register for Fitness Swimmer

Bronze Star

Bronze Star is excellent preparation for success in Bronze Medallion. Participants develop problem-solving and decision-making skills individually and in partners. Candidates learn CPR and develop the lifesaving skills needed to be their own lifeguard. Includes a timed 400 m swim.

Register for Bronze Star


Adult Lessons

These programs are designed for participants 13 years and older.

Whether you’re brand new to swimming or just want help with your strokes, this program is designed to meet you where you are. Work with a certified instructor to learn to swim or improve your current swimming ability and water fitness.  You will build confidence and smooth recognizable strokes.

Adult 1A

This beginner level is perfect for those who have had limited experience in the water. With the help of an instructor, participants will become more comfortable putting their faces in the water, floating for 5 seconds on their front and back, as well as performing  3-5 meter glides on their front, back and side. Additionally, participants in this program can expect to be introduced to deep water in a lifejacket, and learn how to support themselves at the surface of the water.

Register for Adult 1A

Adult 1B

Take the next step in your swimming journey! In this class, participants begin to work on their ability to kick on their front, back and side for 5-10 meters. Participants will also be introduced to front and back crawl, and will practice to complete 10 – 15 meters of each of these strokes. Swimmers continue to build up their confidence in deep water by jumping into the pool without a lifejacket, and beginning to put jumps, treading and swimming together in one continuous sequence.

Register for Adult 1B

Adult 2

Kick it up a notch by working on two interval training workouts of 4 x 25 m kicking and front or back crawl. You’ll be able to perform dive entries and demonstrate breaststroke arms and breathing over 10-15 m. You’ll be supporting yourself at the surface for 102 minutes and showing off your handstands in shallow water.

Register for Adult 2 Swim Lessons

Adult 3

You’ll learn eggbeater, stride entries and compact jumps. You’ll be doing a 300m workout and sprinting 25-50 m. You’ll master your front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke..

Register for Adult 3 Swim Lessons

Fitness Swimmer

For participants aged 11-17 with a minimum of Swimmer 4/Adult 2 completed. In this course, swimmers will work on their fitness and endurance by completing pre-set workouts from their instructor and learning to design their own workout that includes a warm up, a main set and a cool down. Swimmers work to beat their own previous achievements, and can continue to develop their stroke technique as they work towards further distances. This is a great course to take in conjunction with leadership courses or Swimmer levels 5 – 9.

Register for Fitness Swimmer


Private Lessons

An excellent opportunity to personalize your swim instruction, increase endurance and improve technique.  These classes are designed for those who would like one on one attention.


Preschool levels 1-5 can be accommodated within the private lesson structure.

Register for Private Preschool 1-5 Lessons

 Learn to Swim- Swimmer 1-6

Only swimmer levels 1-6 can be accommodated within the private lesson structure.

Register for Private Swimmer 1-6 Lessons


Adult levels 1-3 can be accommodated within the private lesson structure.

Register for Private Adult Swim Lessons