Group Fitness & Recreation
From yoga and boot camp to indoor cycling, we offer a wide selection of fitness and recreation classes aimed to meet your health and wellness needs! We encourage you to ask questions, get to know our instructors and attend a variety of classes to find out what works best for you.
The Group Fitness and Recreation classes are available to all registered UTM students, UTM Staff & Faculty and community members with an active RAWC membership.
NOTE: Due to instructor illness or changes in our facility bookings due to exams and/or the holiday periods, classes may be moved, cancelled or differ from what is listed in the schedule. Every effort will be made to announce these changes to members with advanced notice.
If you wish to cancel your booking, please follow these steps:
- While signed in to recreation.utoronto.ca click your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the drop down menu that appears choose "Profile"
- Choose "Registrations" from the left hand menu
- Locate the booking you wish to cancel from the list and click on the three dots at the end of the booking.
- From the drop down list choose "cancel registration"
- If you have any difficulty, please email the rawcwelcome@utoronto.ca