Dropping Courses

If you no longer wish to take a course, you should drop it as soon as possible. Once classes begin, there are academic and financial deadlines that all students follow in order to drop a course and have it removed from their transcript. Depending on when the course is dropped, you may be eligible for a tuition refund. If you missed the deadline to drop a course, you can request a late withdrawal after the drop date (LWD).

Important Considerations:

  • Review the academic deadlines and refund schedule. As a UTM student, you will follow all UTM dates and deadlines, with the exception of the deadline for late withdrawal (LWD) and Credit/No Credit.
  • Meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss on how this may impact your academic progress.
  • If you are receiving OSAP, meet with a Financial Aid Advisor to discuss how dropping a course (one or more) may impact your loan. To maintain your loan in good standing with OSAP, you must complete a minimum number of credits each year. In some cases, dropping courses may result in significant changes to your funding and jeopardize future funding eligibility. Students who drop a course will have their OSAP entitlement reviewed and they may not be entitled to a refund, as it may be sent back to the NSLSC to pay down your existing loan balance.
  • International students should consult with the International Education Centre to discuss potential consequences that may arise as a result of dropping courses. 


Drop a Course With No Academic Penalty

If you want to drop a course by the deadline, you will have the option to do so on ACORN, and it will be removed from your transcript. To drop a course, follow these step-by-step instructions. It is a good idea to review your course list after you make any changes.

Please refer to the refund schedule to determine whether you are eligible for a refund.


Late withdrawal after the Drop Date (LWD)


If you missed the deadline to drop a course on ACORN, you can submit a request for a late withdrawal (LWD) online to notify the Office of the Registrar. You can use the late withdrawal (LWD) option for up to 3.0 credits as long as you have not completed the course (i.e., writing the final exam, or submitting the final assignment/test where there is no final exam).

Declaring LWD will withdraw you from the course with no impact to your CGPA, but you remain responsible for the course fee. Once your request has been processed, a notation of "LWD" will be added to your transcript instead of a final grade. The approval is final and students cannot request to have the course reinstated.

Students who miss the deadline to request LWD and are experiencing extenuating circumstances may submit a petition for a Late Withdrawal Without Academic Penalty (WDR).

For full details on the policy, and eligibility, please visit the Academic Calendar.

Request a Late Withdrawal After the Drop Date (LWD)