As soon as possible, and before the start of the term in which you wish to return
Suspensions are not intended to be punitive; rather it is necessary for some students to take a break to sort out the financial, personal and/or medical issues that prevented them from being successful.
Students who are on academic probation or serving an academic suspension are encouraged to register for the Promoting Academic Skills for Success (PASS) program offered by the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre. PASS focuses on equipping students with the learning strategies and habits that can help them to study more effectively and return to good standing.
If extenuating circumstances prevented a student from meeting their academic obligations, they should submit supporting documentation, demonstrating this. It is recommended that students, in their online petition statement, detail what unforeseen events lead to their academic difficulties, and outline the steps taken or being taken by them to attain academic success when they resume their undergraduate studies.