How to Apply

Once you have earned 4.0 credits (or if you are on track to complete them by the end of the session), you are eligible to enrol or apply for your program of study on ACORN.

Application Deadlines

 Application datesDeadline to accept
Type 1 ProgramsEnrol on ACORN anytimeProgram is approved immediately
Type 2 and 3 Programs

*Spring - Round 1:
March 3 - April 30, 2025

Summer - Round 2:
June 4 - August 22, 2025

*Spring - Round 1:
May 30, 2025

Summer - Round 2:
September 14, 2025

*Beginning early May, students applying to a Type 2 or 3 program during Round 1 will have their applications reviewed. Round 2 applications are reviewed on an on-going basis as they are received.

How to Apply

  1. Login to ACORN, and select Enrol & Manage from the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on Programs.
  3. Search for a UTM program by name or by program code. Results will start appearing as you type.
  4. Click Enrol (for Type 1 programs), or Request to Enrol (for Type 2 and 3 programs). 

Watch a Demo:

Enrol in a Type 1

Apply for Type 2

Apply for Type 3


Tips and Considerations

  • You can apply to as many programs as you want, but you can only have an "Active" status in a maximum of three programs.
  • You can change your program by adding, deleting, and requesting a new program. Simply follow the dates and deadlines above.
  • Academic departments review and approve applications for Type 2 or 3 programs. 
    • A decision will be available on ACORN during the acceptance period.
    • If invited to a program, you can accept or refuse the invitation. By accepting, you will have an active status in the program.
    • If your application was unsuccessful, the result will show as refused.
  • You must have an active status either 1 Specialist; 2 Majors; or 1 Major and 2 Minors before course enrolment starts for the next session, or ACORN will block you from course enrolment.
    • If you are blocked, add Type 1 programs temporarily in order to add courses on ACORN. You are not required to take courses in this program, and can delete it after you add courses.