How to apply
Apply for OSAP online at osap.gov.on.ca.
Learn more about how to apply, and what is required. Additionally, our step-by-step How to Apply for OSAP Guide can show exactly how to complete each step correctly.
If you have any required documents to submit, you can upload them directly to your OSAP account. Please note that we remain closed to the public. As such, any documents that are mailed to the Office of the Registrar will not be received at this time.
OSAP Access Number (OAN)
Retrieve your OAN or reset your password online:
- Login to the OSAP website
- Click on "Forgot OAN or password?"
- Answer your challenge questions
Mail-in Option
If you are not able to answer your challenge questions online, complete Section A of the OAN reset form. Provide a copy of your supporting documents (as listed on the form) and mail it to:
Student Financial Assistance Branch
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
189 Red River Road, 4th Floor
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6G9
Please note that Section B is not required at this time.
Phone Option
To reset your password via phone, book a phone appointment with a Financial Aid Advisor through AskRegistrar. You will be asked several questions from your OSAP profile to verify your identity before your password will be reset.
OSAP Loan Distribution – Full-time students
How and when will I get my OSAP?
Submit All Required OSAP Documents
- Upload all of your your required documents directly through the OSAP website as soon as possible.
- Log in to the OSAP website and go to the “Documents You Must Provide” section.
It can take approximately 6-8 weeks to process OSAP documentation, so make sure you apply for OSAP as early as possible and provide your documentation in a timely manner.
School Confirms Your Enrolment
This happens automatically once your application is complete, and after classes have started.
This confirmation will happen for each disbursement. For most students, this will happen at the start of their studies (e.g., September) and then again halfway through their study period (e.g., January). For information about your disbursements and funding, log on to your OSAP account on the OSAP website and go to the “Check Status” section.
Updating Your Income
Before the release of your second disbursement, which is generally halfway through your study period (e.g., January) you will be able to update your income. Instructions will be sent to you about a month before your second disbursement.
OSAP Loan Distribution – Part-time students
For financial aid purposes, ‘Part-time’ is defined as being registered in less than a 60% course load in a term of study (i.e., September to December, January to April or May to August).
Once your part-time OSAP application is complete, funding will be directly deposited into your bank account after the university confirms your enrolment. All required documents listed at the end of your online OSAP application must be submitted to your financial aid office before any funding can be released to you. First-time applicants are required to complete a part-time MSFAA (Master Student Financial Aid Agreement). Log in to the OSAP website and go to the “Documents You Must Provide” section.
Your Responsibilities
As an OSAP recipient, you assume the following responsibilities:
- To read, and ensure that you understand, the terms and conditions outlined in your Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA).
- Report changes to your application, notably if you:
- reduce your course load
- change your program of study
- are not progressing academically
- withdraw from your studies
- have a change in marital status
- have changes in your personal financial information, or changes to your family’s Income information
- Inform the National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) at the start of your studies if you have returned to school full time and will not be applying for, or receiving OSAP. Failure to notify the NSLSC that you are enrolled as a full time student will result in your previous loans entering repayment. Login to your OSAP account and submit the Continuation of Interest-Free Status Form. You can apply as early as 15 days before the start of your study period.
- Repay your loans when you are no longer in full-time studies. If you experience any difficulty in repaying your loans, contact the National Student Loans Service Centre to apply for Repayment Assistance.
Verification of Income
All income information is verified with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). That includes your income, and if applicable, the income of your parent(s) or your spouse. If there is a discrepancy between the incomes reported on your OSAP application and the income information received from CRA, OSAP will use the income information from CRA to assess or reassess your application. If it is determined that there is a significant variance between the income information, you may become ineligible for any further aid. You can be restricted from receiving further assistance for up to 5 years. In addition, your Ontario Student Opportunity Grant entitlement may be affected.
Remember: it is important to ensure that your income is accurate!
After you receive your first installment of OSAP, confirm your income online by logging into to your OSAP account and clicking on “Income Update”.
In addition you can use the Financial Aid Change Form to update your income on your OSAP application (before and after your online income confirmation). Changes or updates to your income can be made up to the end of your study period.
Include income from these sources:
- Employment income;
- government funding or income support provided directly to you;
- awards, scholarships, fellowships, bursaries and grants;
- self-employment or rental income from residential or commercial properties (report gross income minus operating expenses);
- income from all sources world-wide (e.g., foreign income);
- child-support and court-ordered spousal support alimony payments;
- monetary gifts provided by someone other than your parent(s) or spouse;
- payments and/or interest/dividends earned from investments and in-trust accounts;
- payments received from RRSPs and other retirement accounts;
- income received as a result of a joint election to split pension income;
- lottery winnings;
- the amount of non-economic loss and/or pain and suffering awards in excess of $100,000.
Do NOT include income from these sources:
- HST/GST Rebates; Child Tax Benefit; Continued Care and Support for Youth payments (formerly Extended Care and Maintenance payments);
- Universal Child Care Benefit; Ontario Child Benefit;
- Ontario Children Benefit Equivalent Savings Program; Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities;
- Affordable Housing Program;
- Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP);
- Youth Employment Fund; Entrepreneurial grants to start a business;
- Indian Residential School Payments including Personal Credits;
- Veteran’s Affairs Disability Benefits;
- Quest for Gold; Compensation for victims of crime;
- any loans or grants received through OSAP including 30% Off Ontario Tuition, Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarships, and Ontario Student Opportunity Grants;
- any award, bursary, and/or needs-based scholarship received from a public Ontario college or university if the college/university informs you in writing that they will report the award to OSAP directly
Maintaining Interest-Free Status as a Full-Time Student
If you receive OSAP loans, the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) will be aware that you are a full-time student. This means that your previous student loans will be interest free and that you will not be asked to begin repaying your loans.
However, if you return to full-time studies, and do not apply or receive OSAP loans, then it is your responsibility to submit the Continuation of Interest Free Status Form as early as 15 days before the start of the study period. You can access the form by logging in to your OSAP account.
OSAP Deadlines
Full-Time OSAP
- The deadline to submit your OSAP application is 60 days before the end of your study period.
- The deadline to submit your supporting documents is 40 days before the end of your study period.
Example: If your study period ends on April 25, the deadline to apply for OSAP is February 24, and the deadline to provide any supporting documents is March 16.
Part-Time OSAP
If your study period is up to 20 weeks long:
- you must submit your Part-Time OSAP application and supporting documents no later than 40 days before the end of your study period.
If your study period is 21 weeks or longer:
- you must submit your Part-Time application no later than 60 days before the end of your study period and supporting documents no later than 40 days prior to the end of your study period
OSAP Appeals
The deadline for appeals is 40 days before the end of your study period; however, we recommend submitting your appeal as early as possible. Processing time can be 4-6 weeks during peak periods.
Continuation of Interest-Free Status
The earliest you can apply is 15 days before the start of the term. Your application must be received no later than 21 days before the end of the term.