It's important that you maintain and update your personal information on ACORN. This includes: your phone number, mailing address, email address, personal bank information to receive a refund, and emergency contact information.
When you login to ACORN, you can also:
- view your most recent or full academic history
- print out an unofficial copy of your transcript
- order an official copy of your transcript.
Alumni should contact the Office of Convocation for all inquiries and requests related to your diploma, including replacements, certification of degrees, and more. If an employer is seeking to verify your credentials, they can utilize the Certification of Degree service for a fee and obtain an instant response.
As a University of Toronto student or alum, your personal information and student record is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). As part of our commitment to protect your right to privacy, we require your consent before releasing any information about you to a third party (family, friends, employers, etc).
When we receive questions from a third party who contact us on your behalf, we can answer general questions, offer general recommendations and resources, but cannot release or discuss specific details without your authorization.
Visit the Student Data website to learn more about how the university collects, uses, and protects your information.