Campus | F courses | Y courses | S courses |
UTM*, St. George & UTSC | December 3, 2024 | April 4, 2025 | April 4, 2025 |
*In courses with a final exam, the CR/NCR option must be requested or cancelled no later than the last day of classes in the term in which the course was offered. If there is no final exam, the request must be made or cancelled by the deadline, or before the last assessment is due in the course (whichever date comes first).
Using Credit/No Credit
Degree students can use the Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) option to complete a distribution requirement or elective course taken at any of the three U of T campuses. This option gives you the flexibility to take courses outside of your program area with no impact to your grade point average for a maximum of 2.0 credits. If you pass a course with a final grade of at least 50%, a notation of "CR" will appear on your transcript. Marks below that will be assessed as "no credit" (NCR), and will be recorded on your transcript accordingly.
You can request Credit/No Credit on ACORN during the appropriate request period.
- UTM students must follow UTM academic and financial deadlines even if the course is taken at another campus, with the exception of Late Withdrawal and Credit/No Credit.
- CR/NCR cannot be used to satisfy program requirements. Please note that some programs specify that courses with a grade of CR/NCR will not count as part of the 4.0 credits required for program entry. Program entry requirements are listed in the Calendar.
- If a student has requested CR/NCR in a course in which they committed an academic offence, the request will be revoked and the percentage grade will stand as the course grade.