To learn more, please contact Veronica Marchuk, Mental Health Promotion and Program Assistant at veronica.marchuk@utoronto.ca.
Wellness Programming for Graduates at the HCC? π
The Health & Counselling Centre offers a number of initiatives and resources to support the health and wellness of graduate students. These initiatives are open to all UTM-based graduate students.
Upcoming Programming
Bookmark this page and check back to see upcoming programming!
Past Programming
Grad Self-Care Challenge
This annual initiative aims to inspire graduate students to embed self-care strategies into their daily routine by featuring a unique challenge daily on our social media platforms. All strategies in the challenge are contributed by current graduate students.
Grad Wellness Retreat
This in-person campus event provides an intentional space for graduate students to come together to engage in a restorative break and to prioritize their wellness.
Grad Specific Workshops
UTM graduate student departments and student groups may request health education workshops based on topics that are important and relevant to graduate student wellness. These workshops can be delivered by both professional HCC staff and graduate student peers. Previous topics of interest have included: Social Wellness, Sleep Hygiene, Imposter Syndrome and Radical Self-Care.
To request a workshop, please contact Veronica Marchuk, Mental Health Promotion and Program Assistant at veronica.marchuk@utoronto.ca
Grad Wellness Peer Collective (GWPC)
The Grad Wellness Peer Collective (GWPC) provides a forum for graduate students at UTM who are interested in supporting graduate student wellness. This initiative aims to create a supportive community for graduate students with shared interests, while fostering inter-departmental collaborations for health and wellness programming.