Young Anthropology Artwork and Photography

two students holding hands, primate and human skull, three macaques in a tree, silhouette of person on a camel against a night sky
Images from Young Anthropology, from left to right: photo by G. Crawford, ink drawing by Noor Abbas, digital artwork by Arumitha Sasiharan, watercolour and gouache painting by Areeba Habib. All copyrights belong to creators. Images reproduced on this page with permission of the creators.

Call for submissions of original anthropology-related artwork and photography for the Young Anthropology journal

Are you a UTM undergraduate student with a passion for anthropology and creativity? Young Anthropology welcomes submissions of original anthropology-related artwork and photography, including images from field schools, international learning and other experiential learning opportunities. The YA editorial team may select your image for publication in the next issue of Young Anthropology! We welcome submissions of original drawings, paintings, digital artwork, and photography.

Your submission must meet the following criteria:

  1. ONE image file submission per person per issue.
  2. You must own the copyright for the artwork or photograph (you must be the artist or photographer).
  3. If the image shows any identifiable individuals, you must have obtained permission from them to publish the artwork or photograph online.
  4. You must provide a written description that explains the anthropological context for the artwork or photograph (i.e. how the image relates to your anthropology studies or your experience with anthropology).
  5. You must give Young Anthropology permission to publish your artwork or photograph in the Young Anthropology online journal.
  6. You must give Young Anthropology permission to publish your artwork or photograph in promotional materials on the Department of Anthropology website, printed materials, slides, etc.
  7. Submissions should be:
    1. Large enough / high enough resolution to fill the width of a letter-sized page (8.5" across)
    2. Between 72 and 300 dpi
    3. .jpeg or .png format

Please note that Young Anthropology may need to modify image files to fit the layout and design of the journal. This could include cropping, scaling, as well as adjusting the image contrast, brightness, or saturation. We may also edit the description you provide for publication.

How to submit your artwork or photography to Young Anthropology:

Submit the Young Anthropology Artwork or Photography form


Send your .jpeg or .png image file via email from your email account to


If you have any questions about Young Anthropology, please send an email from your utoronto email address to