The Schreiber Wood archaeological project takes place on the north end of University of Toronto Mississauga campus on lands once owned by Weymouth Schreiber and his family. This website will serve as a repository for content and links related to the Schreiber Wood Project. Additional content will be posted here soon.
Project origin and goals
- The Schreiber Wood archaeological project was initiated for the ANT318H5 archaeological field school at UTM, with a focus on the cultural landscape created by the Schreiber family.
- One of the project's first goals was identifying the location of Mount Woodham, a house that was located on what is today part of the UTM campus.
The Mystery of Mount Woodham Project
The Mystery of Mount Woodham Project aims to highlight and provide broader outreach on student-involved research at UTM through the example of the Department of Anthropology’s annual archaeological field school.
Mystery of Mount Woodham Project
Publications and Posters
Schreiber Wood Publications and Posters
Media coverage
U of T Magazine: Digging for Answers to a Local Mystery
New York Times: Anthropology Students Don't Have to Go Far Afield

New display at UTM
Construction material and furnishings from the late 19th century are featured in the new display located in Davis building (near the doors leading to HSC and CCT).