
anthropology is where science and culture meet

In an increasingly technological and global world, having human-centred scientific and cultural knowledge is a critical asset.

"The program challenged me to take a holistic perspective and see the links between everything. It made me recognize that, for example, one cannot hope to understand people's health needs or experiences without accounting for their economic, social issues, and political ones." Amal: Senior Economist at the Ministry of Finance


Careers by area of interest

At UTM you can focus your undergraduate studies on a subfield of Anthropology for specific career paths or graduate studies.

Career Areas

Alumni profiles

Learn how UTM Anthropology HBA and HBSc graduates apply their skills in their careers and further education paths.

Alumni Profiles

Industries and areas of work

Graduates of UTM Anthropology HBA and HBSc programs work in a diverse and exciting range of career areas.

Alumni at Work

Build your resume

View skills you can acquire and develop through studying Anthropology at UTM.



Career and graduate school advising

Do you have questions about career or further education opportunities?

Career Advising

Professional associations

Canadian and American associations for anthropology and specific subfields.


Let's Talk About Health

Medical Anthropologist Dr. Madeleine Mant interviews health experts.

Let's Talk About Health

Student career goals

Students share how Anthropology at UTM is helping them to achieve their career goals.

Student Profiles


More career resources

Articles, links, and podcasts of interest.
