Undergraduate students:
- Did you write a particularly strong course paper?
- Did you conduct research for a class?
- Did you write a fieldwork report or a book review?
- Did you create anthropology-related artwork or photography?
- Are you interested in publishing your work?
Consider submitting it to Young Anthropology, the UTM Department of Anthropology's first online, open access and peer-reviewed journal. Your work may be selected for publication in the journal.
View the journal
Call for papers
This call is open to U of T undergraduate students from across anthropology's subdisciplines.
Submission deadlines:
- May 31, 2025 for research papers
- August 31, 2025 for other submission types, including:
- book reviews
- fieldwork reports
- experiential learning reflections
- author interviews
- student interviews
Call for artwork and photography
This call is open to U of T undergraduate students from across anthropology's subdisciplines.
The submission deadline for artwork and photography is August 31, 2025.
Submission information
Students may submit a maximum of one written piece and one artwork/photography file per issue.
The submission process is entirely online, and the journal is an online publication!
Submit your writing to Young Anthropology
If your paper is too long to submit to the journal, consider contacting the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre for advice on editing a paper.
Young Anthropology Author Guidelines and Submission Information
Submit your artwork or photography to Young Anthropology
Young Anthropology Artwork and Photography Submission Information
Please email young.anthropology@utoronto.ca if you have questions about Young Anthropology.