Academic Advising for UTM Anthropology

advising you where you are


Are you a UTM Anthropology undergraduate student? Do you have questions that are not answered on our FAQ page? We are here to help advise you where you are!

Winter 2025

  • In-person drop-in advising and appointments are normally available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Zoom appointments are available Mondays to Fridays (10am - 3pm).

In-person drop-in academic advising

Please email the UTM Anthropology Academic Advisor from your utoronto email to ask for the latest drop-in schedule. Note that UTM is closed for the winter break and will resume normal hours beginning January 6, 2025. Options to request drop-in hours will be available as of January 6, 2025.

Request an appointment for academic advising (in-person or zoom)

Students require an active utoronto email address in order to request an appointment. Note that UTM is closed for the winter break and will resume normal hours beginning January 6, 2025. Options to request appointments will be available as of January 6, 2025.