
students outside UTM library
Students outside the HMALC library on the UTM campus. Photo by Paul Orenstein. © University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved. 

View current anthropology program enrolment and completion requirements published in the University of Toronto Mississauga Academic Calendar. The information published in the UTM Academic Calendar takes precedence over information published elsewhere.

UTM Anthropology offers strongly developed "hands on" arts and science undergraduate programs, with fieldwork, assignments, and labs directly related to methods and techniques that can be applied in future careers. You can combine our courses in many different ways to earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) or Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degree.


Specialist, major, and minor programs offered

Click on a program to view enrolment and completion requirements in the UTM Academic Calendar.

UTM HBA Anthropology Arts programs

UTM HBSc Anthropology Science programs


Plan ahead to enrol in our programs

For incoming first-year UTM students:

ANT101H5, ANT102H5, and ISP100H5 are required to enter Anthropology Major and Specialist programs when you select your program of study as you complete your first year. We recommend that you take all three of these courses in your first year of studies at UTM.

For students in secondary school:

All program areas require an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, or equivalent, with six Grade 12 U/M courses, or equivalent, including English. Visit UTM Future Students: Admissions for information on applying to the University of Toronto Mississauga.

For international, transfer credit, or mature students:

Visit UTM Future Students: Admissions for information on applying to the University of Toronto Mississauga. 


Program enrolment requirements

View current UTM Anthropology undergraduate program enrolment requirements on the UTM Academic Calendar. Please note that enrolment is limited in our Specialist and Major programs.


How to enrol in our programs

Visit the Office of the Registrar's Program Selection Guide for important dates and instructions on how to enrol in your Program of Study (POSt), including Anthropology programs, at UTM.


Program completion requirements

View current UTM Anthropology undergraduate program completion requirements on the UTM Academic Calendar.

Use the program completion requirements for the year that you became active in a Specialist, Major, or Minor Program in Anthropology at UTM. For example, if you became active in the Major in Anthropology in Fall 2023, use the requirements published for the year 2023. See archived versions of the UTM Academic Calendar to view Anthropology program completion requirements for previous years.

Use U of T's Degree Explorer tool to help you stay on track with fulfilling your program requirements.


Double majors: Anthropology plus other programs

anthropology plus biology, psychology, sociology, history, forensic science, political science

The study of anthropology is unique in its incorporation of biological science and social science to pursue a deeper understanding of human existence. In an increasingly technological and global world, having human-centred scientific and cultural knowledge can complement almost any other fields of study that you choose to pursue. 

Our programs pair well with many other disciplines for a double major or other combination. Below are some common program combinations, but Anthropology intersects with so many areas that you can combine our programs with nearly anything else you choose to study.

Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) example program combinations

Enrol in an Anthropology Arts program plus:

  • Sociology
  • History
  • Political Science 

Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) example program combinations

Enrol in an Anthropology Science program plus:

  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Forensic Science

Please refer to the UTM Academic Calendar for all program details.  

Anthropology as a pathway to law, graduate and professional schools

Anthropology programs provide an excellent foundation for many graduate and professional pathways, such as:

  • Law
  • Health care
  • Teaching
  • Business
  • Journalism
  • and more!

Read about our alumni to learn how UTM Anthropology programs helped to prepare them for career paths in law, medicine, teaching, journalism, and more.


Choosing your program

Are you trying to decide which UTM Anthropology undergraduate program to enrol in? 

Anthropology is unique in that we offer both Arts (Social Science) and Science courses that can lead to an Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) or an Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degree.

The following resources may help you with your decision when choosing your program:


Program vs. subfield (or field of interest)

What is the difference between a program and subfield (or field of interest)?


  • A program (or Subject POSt) is the Specialist (SP), Major (MA), or Minor (MI) you enrol in at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
  • These programs count toward Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) or Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degrees at UTM.
  • You must fulfil program requirements in order to complete your program. Use Degree Explorer to help you stay on track.

Subfield (or field of interest):

Do I have to focus on a specific field of interest within my Anthropology undergraduate program?

No, you don't have to focus on a specific field of interest. You may choose upper-level courses for generalist anthropology, which will give you a broad grounding in the various fields (for maximum career flexibility).



If you have questions about a UTM Anthropology undergraduate program, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page, and if your question is not answered there please contact the UTM Anthropology Academic Advisor & Undergraduate Program Administrator at

Visit UTM Future Students for information on applying to the University of Toronto Mississauga.

Program Information Session Recordings

Are you considering enrolling in an anthropology specialist or major this spring? Our 2024 program information session recordings are available online!