Experiential Learning

two people on a small boat, students sit on the ground at an archaeological dig site in the woods, two students examine artifacts at a table, fat calipers and measuring tape
Pictured clockwise left to right: students on a boat in Zanzibar, Tanzania (copyright S. Hillewaert), ANT318H5 students at an archaeological excavation site on the UTM campus (copyright M. Brand), ANT318H5 students examine artifacts in a lab (copyright M. Brand), calipers and measuring tape (Adobe Stock).

International opportunities

International Experiential Learning Opportunities

Benefits of experiential learning

UTM Anthropology courses with local or international experiential learning components can provide students with opportunities to:

  • gain hands-on experience
  • acquire new skills
  • develop closer ties to communities
  • learn about the diversity of cultures that exist in our world
  • network with professionals in a specific industry
  • and more!

List of UTM Anthropology courses with experiential learning components

Important information about experiential learning:

  • Experiential components may vary when courses are offered. Please review the course syllabus on the Timetable Builder for current course outlines.
  • Not all courses are offered each year, so be sure to consult the Timetable Builder for current course offerings.
  • Check course prerequisites and view course descriptions on the UTM Academic Calendar.


Biological Anthropology

  • ANT338H5 Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology

Forensic Anthropology

Linguistic Anthropology

  • ANT364H5 Fieldwork in Language, Culture, and Society

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • ANT241H5 Anthropology and the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (in Canada)
  • ANT335H5 Anthropology of Gender
  • ANT358H5 Field Methods in Sociocultural Anthropology
  • ANT368H5 World Religions and Ecology

View course descriptions

View the U of T Timetable Builder

Funding Opportunity: UTM Experiential Learning Bursaries

Some UTM Anthropology courses may be eligible for the UTM Experiential Learning Bursary program.

Other UTM Experiential Learning Opportunities

The UTM Research Opportunity Program (ROP) gives students from second to fourth year a chance to participate in the research of a faculty member while earning course credit. 

UTM Abroad provides students with the opportunity to participate in short-term experiential learning opportunities abroad during term breaks.