
display of small archaeological artifacts
Toy artifacts discovered on the UTM campus are shown in a display case. Photo credit: Rob Makison (used with permission).

What is archaeology?

Archaeology is the study of all aspects of human life in the past, using material remains as evidence of past human activity. It is one of the four traditional subfields of anthropology.

At UTM, you can learn about the field of cultural heritage management, also known as cultural resource management or applied archaeology, which aims to protect artifacts, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes, that have meaning for people in the present.

Are you interested in conservation, heritage, preservation, artifacts, community, and culture? Consider studying archaeology at UTM.

Career areas include:

  • Cultural heritage management
  • Local, provincial and federal governments
  • Consulting
  • Conservation
  • Parks/ Historical Sites
  • Heritage Foundations
  • Libraries/Archives
  • Academia
  • Museum

"Cultural resource management can span anywhere from working in museums as curation staff to working for construction companies to do commercial archaeology, which is where they scan a site to make sure there's nothing important buried there before they build on it." - Undergraduate student studying archaeology at UTM

Undergraduate programs

UTM undergraduate students who study archaeology normally enrol in one of the following programs:

  • Specialist Program in Anthropology (Science) ERSPE0105
  • Major Program in Anthropology (Science) ERMAJ0105

Please note that students can also pursue a Major/Specialist program in Anthropology (Arts) studying archaeology, but be sure to include ANT200H5 and ANT201H5 among your course selections because these core second year archaeology courses are pre-requisites for upper year 3rd and 4th year archaeology courses.

Learn about Anthropology programs at UTM

Undergraduate courses

For students interested in archaeology, most of our recommended upper-level courses are anthropology science credits.

Teaching and research specialties

At UTM, our faculty teaching and research specialties in archaeology include:

  • Cultural heritage management
  • Origins of food production and villages
  • Ancient technology, style, material culture
  • Complex societies and early states

Regions of interest include:

  • China
  • Eastern North America
  • East Asia
  • Northeast North America