Other Opportunities for Students

This page features links for UTM Anthropology students regarding the following topics: external job postings (not University of Toronto postings), professional anthropology associations, professional development opportunities, conference opportunities, and more.

Cultural Resource Management Jobs (external job postings)

Students interested in Cultural Resource Management may wish to view the following external job opportunities:

Other summer opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Job Opportunities (external job postings)

The Romero House Worker Program posts employment opportunities in Refugee Settlement at Romero House. The program attracts university and college students and graduates from Canada, the United States and many other countries throughout the world.

Anthropology Associations

Professional associations can be excellent sources of information about events, careers, awards, and other opportunities. Many associations offer student memberships.

Canadian Associations

American Associations

trowel over aerial view of sky and trees

CRM firms are hiring for archaeology summer jobs: attend our info session!

Join us on Thursday Feb. 6 at 12 noon in DV2047 or via Zoom to meet potential employers!