Teaching Assistants

Job Postings

Job postings for UTM Anthropology Teaching Assistant positions are listed under the Jobs section of our website on the Teaching Assistant - Unit 1 page.

Description of Duties & Allocation of Hours Form

The Description of Duties & Allocation of Hours form indicates how your TA hours will be allocated for a course. TAs must acknowledge this form twice in the online TAShip system: once at the start of the term and once at the mid-term review of hours. 

If you have any concerns about running out of TA hours, please contact the course instructor.

Marked Work Policy

All UTM Anthropology TAs who will be marking paper copies of coursework must review and follow the standard procedures documented in the UTM Department of Anthropology Marked Work Return Policy (PDF file). 

Shuttle Bus Travel Reimbursement Forms for TAs

Shuttle Bus ticket reimbursement forms are on the Forms for TAs page.

Working in Undergraduate Teaching Lab Spaces

Access to Undergraduate Teaching Labs:
Some tutorials take place in the UTM Anthropology undergraduate teaching labs in DV 2045 and DV 2047. These rooms are accesed via TCard; your access is automatically arranged by departmental staff after you have signed your contract.

Access to Collection Storage Area:
If the course instructor indicates that you will require access to the Collection Storage area of the lab, please contact the Departmental Assistant to arrange access.

Collection and Catalogue:
If you have any other questions about the UTM Anthropology collection, catalogue, or lab spaces, please contact the Departmental Lab Technician.

Archaeology artifact storage area (left) and fossil cast storage area (right):

artifacts and fossil casts
Anthropology's specimen collections used in undergraduate courses. Photos © Department of Anthropology.

TA Office

Please remember that all TA work and meetings with students must take place in assigned TA office spaces and not in the HSC 4th floor carrel desk area.

Our TA office room DV2003A is located directly across the hall from the DV2045 and DV2047 undergraduate teaching labs in the William G. Davis Building. Download PDF map showing location of DV2003A Anthropology TA Office and ANT Teaching Labs.

Access to TA Offices:
Please contact the Departmental and Chair's Assistant in HSC304 to arrange access to a TA office.

Approved Methods of Communication with Students

All course-related communication to students must occur using department-approved platforms, including Quercus and mail.utoronto.ca email accounts (emails must be sent both to and from utoronto accounts). Please do not use personal social media accounts or non-utoronto email accounts for communicating course-related information to students.