Understanding the Panorama of Human Existence: Welcome to Anthropology at UTM

Anthropology is the study of humankind from its beginnings to the present day. Many disciplines concern themselves with the human, but only anthropology seeks to interpret the whole panorama of human existence — in geographic space and evolutionary time — through comparative and holistic study.

UTM offers courses in all four traditional subfields of Anthropology: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Sociocultural Anthropology. We also have strengths in the Anthropology of Health; Forensic Anthropology; and Politics, Policy & Law. Students can combine courses in many ways to earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) or Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degree.


grad student research showcase

UTM students: attend the Graduate Student Research Showcase on Feb. 28!

Join UTMAS and the AGSU on Friday, Feb. 28 from 4-6pm to learn about Anthropology graduate student research!
your career evolution in anthropology

March 4: Your Career Evolution in Anthropology

UTM students: attend this session learn about diverse career paths and discover how to leverage your anthropology degree in a variety of fields! There will be snacks available!
call for abstracts

Call for abstracts: Undergraduate Anthropology Conference at UTM

UTMAS is looking for student presentations for the anthropology conference taking place on March 27! Submit an abstract for your research papers or presentations by March 4!