Updated: March 2025
Please find below a list of the U of T Mississauga research projects that have been funded through past competitions of the Research and Scholarly Activity Fund, as well as the number of applications and success rate for each competition.
March 2025 (December 2024 Competition)
(Applications received: 48; Successful applications: 14; Success rate: 29.17%)
Name | Department | Project |
Noel Anderson | Political Science | Beyond the Battlefield: Rebel Organization Trajectories in the Aftermath of Civil War |
Liza Blake | English & Drama | “I want not love”: The Asexuality and Aromanticism of Early Modern Love Poetry |
Laura Brown; Ghazal Fazli | GGE | The Unequal Burden of Prediabetes Risk, Socioeconomic Disadvantage and the Environment on Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Premature Mortality in Peel Region |
Mark Currie | Biology | Investigating Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Repair and Genetic Instability in Neurodegenerative Disease |
Derek Denis | Language Studies | Sociolinguistic Variation in Northern Canadian English |
Norman Farb | Psychology | The Interoceptive Change Awareness Task (ICAT): A New Paradigm for Investigating Interoception |
Samira Ghorbanigazar | Biology | Investigating How Telomere Shortening Contributes to Age-Related Worsening of Multiple Sclerosis |
Mitsuru Igami | Economics | Collusion and Innovation: The Case of LCD Cartel, 2001–2006 |
Emily Impett | Psychology | Our Loss, Our Grief: A Dyadic Investigation of Interpersonal Emotion Regulation following Pregnancy Loss |
Kara Layton | Biology | Illuminating the Mechanisms of Sea Slug Defence with an Integrative Eco-evolutionary Approach |
Joshua Milstein | CPS | Revealing the Environmental Factors that Initiate the Production of Antimicrobial Tailocins |
David Pettinicchio | Sociology | Navigating Work and Care: The Effects of Disability on Household Economic Security |
Lindsay Schoenbohm | CPS | Extracting Tectonic Uplift Rate from the Shape of Mountains |
Iva Zovkic | Psychology | Creating a Mouse Model of Human H2A.Z.2.2 Function in Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease |
April 2024 (February 2024 Competition)
(Applications received: 50; Successful applications: 15; Success rate: 30.00%)
Name | Department | Project |
Matthew Adams | GGE | Intraurban Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Eastern Africa |
Judith Pizarro Andersen | Psychology | The Double Bind: The Gendered Experience of Critical Incident Commanders During Training and Crisis Management |
Cynthia Cranford | Sociology | Structuring Private Homecare in Ontario |
Teddy Erclik | Biology | Spatial and Temporal Patterning of Neural Stem Cells in the Fruit Fly Brain |
Maciej Damian Korzynski | CPS | Unlocking Alkyne Metathesis Catalysis in Metal-organic Frameworks |
Baohua Liu | Biology | Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Visually Induced Motion Sickness |
R. Cassandra Lord | Historical Studies | Inside La Barbería: Redefining Afro-Cuban Male Style and Aesthetics |
Paula Maurutto | Sociology | AI Transformations in Criminal Law |
Rob Ness | Biology | How Mutations in Your Body Alter Ageing and Life Span |
Alex N. Nguyen Ba | Biology | Systematic Identification of Disease Causing Mutations in Transcription Factors of the X-chromosome |
Alana Ogata | CPS | Advancing Precision Medicine in Endometriosis: Development of a Biomarker-based Test |
Terry F. Robinson | English & Drama | Early Deaf Theatre and Performance |
Samuel Ronfard | Psychology | Learning from Disagreement: Children’s and Adults’ Beliefs about the Benefits of Talking to Someone with a Different Belief |
Jack Sidnell | Anthropology | "Those People Are not Originally from Hanoi”: A Study of Language, Labour and Movement in North Vietnam |
Gail Super | Sociology | Penal Violence in Spaces of Rural Precarity |
April 2023 (February 2023 Competition)
(Applications received: 40; Successful applications: 24; Success rate: 60.00%)
Name | Department | Project |
Katharina Braeutigam | Biology | Seed production without sex – (epi)genetic variation and adaptive success in a temperate grass |
Cassidy D'Aloia | Biology | Quantifying movement patterns of the sea cucumber Holothuria mexicana |
Marc Johnson | Biology | Phylogenomics of specialization in plant-insect interactions |
Arbora Resulay | Biology | The timescale of visual short-term memory in lateral visual cortex during perceptual decisions |
Ho Sung Rhee | Biology | Genomic Characterization of Neuron-Specific Epigenetic Regulation |
Adriano Senatore | Biology | Exploration into the functional properties and contribution to virulence of the newly identified NALCN ion channel subunit, UNC-80, in the opportunistic fungal pathogen C.neoformans |
Virginijus Barzda | CPS | Nonlinear Digital Histopathology of Tumor Margins for Prediction of Cancer Metastases |
Andrew Beharry | CPS | Long-wavelength absorbing photoactivable β-lapachones for in vivo targeted anticancer therapy |
Marta L. Bryan | CPS | The Movers and Shakers of Planetary Systems: Probing Planet Formation with Exo-Jupiters |
Sebastian Dyrda | Economics | Taxing Multinational Enterprises in a Global Economy |
Tim Duval | GGE | Developing a Protocol to Assess Restoration Success of Abandoned Aggregate Pits and Quarries |
Carrie Atkins | Historical Studies | Preliminary Fieldwork for Identifying an Eroding Late Bronze Age Coastscape at Maroni-Tsaroukkas, Cyprus |
Alessandro Delfanti | ICCIT | The warehouse as a laboratory for digital automation |
Dan Guadagnolo | ICCIT | "After the Sale is Over": Marketing & Customer Relationship Management, 1980-2000 |
Jessica Burgner-Kahrs | MCS | Optimal Teleoperation Control of Continuum Robots |
Janine Clark | Political Science | Indigenous Funding of LGBTQ and Sex Worker Activism in Africa: Decolonization, Democratization and Solidarity? |
Andrea Olive | POL and GGE | Role of Private Property in the Public Goal of 30x0 |
Alison Smith | Political Science | An Ounce of Prevention: Promising Practices in the Prevention of Homelessness |
Erika Carlson | Psychology | The role of self-defining traits in personality dynamics |
Emily Impett | Psychology | Sacrifice as an Opportunity for Self-Expansion in Intercultural Couples |
Elizabeth Johnson | Psychology | Electrophysiological measures of lexical development |
Doug VanderLaan | Psychology | Sexually and Gender-Diverse Identity Development and Wellbeing in the Context of High Societal Visibility and Acceptance: A Retrospective Mixed-Methods Study in Thailand |
Benjamin Wolfe | Psychology | A proof of concept for individual visual reading interventions in medical contexts |
Timothy Bryan | Sociology | Checking the street: Perceptions and feelings of safety and danger in Halifax, Nova Scotia |
December 2021 (November 2021 Competition)
(Applications received: 34; Successful applications: 18; Success rate: 52.94%)
Name | Department | Project |
Alex Nguyen Ba | Biology | Prediction of Human Variant Effects through Iterative Deep-mutational Scanning and Machine Learning |
Mark Currie | Biology | Structural Basis of Progeria Disease Mechanism |
Ted Erclik | Biology | Long-range Temporal Patterning of Neural Stem Cells in the Fruit Fly Brain |
Michael A. Phillips | Biology | Genome Sequence of Diviner’s Sage, Salvia Divinorum |
Josh Milstein | CPS | Revealing the Macromolecular Organization and Dynamics of GPCRs |
ALana F. Ogata | CPS | Single-molecule Detection of Protein Biomarkers in Menstrual Blood for Disease Diagnostics |
Sarah Rauscher | CPS | Elucidating the Interaction of the Human Protein TRIM5α with the HIV Capsid Using Molecular Simulations |
Jumi Shin | CPS | New franken-proteins as Synthetic Biology Tools that Control Genetic Circuits |
Laura Brown | GGE | Changing Ice Cover and the Effects on High Arctic Lakes |
Vincent Kuuire | GGE | Identifying the Drivers of COVID-19 Misinformation, Institutional Mistrust and Vaccine Hesitancy in Ghana and Liberia |
Julie MacArthur | Historical Studies | Kimathi at War: A Scholarly and Film Project on the Social Life of Forest Fighters during the Mau Mau Rebellion, 1952-56 |
Nicole Cohen | ICCIT | Diversity and Equity in Media Union Collective Bargaining |
Jessamyn Schertz | Language Studies | AccentCorpus: a Shared Resource for the Study of Linguistic Diversity and the Perception of Accented Speech |
Laura Derksen | Management | Early Childhood Development and Education in Malawi |
Randy Besco | Political Science | Racial Attitudes in Canadian Politics and Public Policy |
Loren Martin | Psychology | Identifying inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB4 for the treatment of chronic pain |
Jennifer Stellar | Psychology | Understanding Compassion Fatigue |
Anna Korteweg | Sociology | The Co-Construction of LGBTQ Subjectivity and National Borders: Queer Muslim Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands |
December 2020 (November 2020 Competition)
(Applications received: 24; Successful applications: 17; Success rate: 70.83%)
Name | Department | Project |
Nicole Novroski | Anthropology | Developing an Improved Genetic Reference Dataset for Criminal and Civilian forensic Human Identification Efforts in Canada |
Esteban J. Parra | Anthropology | Exploring Age-Related Methylation Changes in a Sample of Elderly Individuals from Brazil |
Marcus M. Dillon | Biology | The Evolution of Antimicrobial Resistance in Dynamic Population Genetic Environments |
Ho Sung Rhee | Biology | Distal Enhancers That Control the Fate of Motor Neurons |
Helene Wagner | Biology | Conservation Genetics of a Native Bee Community |
Andrew Beharry | CPS | Exploiting NQO1 for Targeted Photodynamic Therapy for Lung Cancer |
Lindsay Schoenbohm | CPS | The Record of Past Earthquakes in the Eastern Great Lake Basin |
Carolina Arteaga Cabrales | Economics | Innocent Victims: The Marketing of Prescription Opioids and Infant's Health |
Sebastian Dyrda | Economics | Business Tax Competitiveness: Canada vs. United States |
Terry Robinson | English & Drama | A History of Nobody - Now |
Tenley Conway | GGE | Exploring Urban Trees' Contribution to Wellbeing and Livability |
Tim Duval | GGE | Urban Stream Sediment Fingerprinting: Unlocking the Mysteries of Continued Water Quality Impairment |
Igor Lehnherr | GGE | Climate Change and River Diversion Impacts on Mercury Inputs to Lhù’ààn Mân (Kluane Lake) |
Trevor Porter | GGE | Long-Term Changes in Winter Climate, Sea Ice and Mercury Cycling in the Canadian Arctic Reconstructed from Ice Wedges |
Emily Impett | Psychology | Love in the Works: Promoting Trailing Partners' Well-Being after Job Relocation |
Chris Smith | Sociology | Vice for Sale: Neighborhood Change and Illicit Markets |
Elizabeth Wijaya | Visual Studies | Migratory Encounters Between Past and Present: A Cinematic Research-Creation Collaboration |
January 2020 (November 2019 Competition)
(Applications received: 43; Successful applications: 21; Success rate: 48.84%)
Name | Department | Project |
Jack Sidnell | Anthropology | Reference to Self and Other in Vietnamese: A Comparison of Interaction in Two Urban Settings |
Katharina Braeutigam | Biology | Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Sex Determination |
Teddy Erclik | Biology | Selective Spatial Patterning of Neural Stem Cells in the Fruit Fly Brain |
Peter M. Kotanen | Biology | Understanding the Emerging Risk of Plant Invasions in Tundra Ecosystems |
Bailey McMeans | Biology | A Predictive Framework for Abiotic and Biotic Controls on Lake Fish Production |
Alexandra Gillespie | English & Drama | Machine Learning for Historical Script Recognition” |
Matthew Adams | Geography | Urban Exposure to Carcinogenic Benzene |
Ron Buliung | Geography | Inclusive Play and Childhood Disability |
Vincent Kuuire | Geography | Improving Water Access for the Urban Poor: Examining Public Perceptions and Priorities for Safe Water in Ghana |
Jue Wang | Geography | An Exploratory Study of Individual Air Pollution Exposure Monitoring and Analysis |
Negin Dahya | ICCIT | Portraits of Educational Change: Refugee Education, Gender & Technology |
Derek Denis | Language Studies | Multicultural Toronto English: Sources and Discourses |
Marie-Paule Lory | Language Studies | Understanding French Teachers’ Social Representations of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity |
Dehan Kong | MCS | Novel Statistical Methods for Alzheimer’s Disease Studies |
Noel Anderson | Political Science | Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish? An Assessment of Security Force Assistance Program Effectiveness |
Martha Balaguera Cuervo | Political Science | Abolition, Legal Accompaniment and the Caravanization of Asylum at the US-Mexico Border |
Emily C. Nacol | Political Science | Writing about Plague: Contagion and Imagination in the History of Political Thought |
Alexander Reisenbichler | Political Science | From Heroes to Villain: The New Politics of Central Banking Since the Great Recession |
Alison Smith | Political Science | Governing Homelessness in Canada: Unpacking the Layers and Players in a Complex Policy Field |
Elizabeth K. Johnson | Psychology | Speech Processing in Typically-Developing Children Versus Late Talkers |
Iva Zovkic | Psychology | Gene-Specific Regulation of Nicotine Reward by the Histone Variant H2A.Z |
January 2019 (November 2018 Competition)
(Applications received: 27; Successful applications: 19; Success rate: 70.37%)
Name | Department | Project |
Sarah Hillewaert | Anthropology | Yoga and Wellness as Development in Eastern Africa |
Baohua Liu | Biology | The Circuit Mechanisms Underlying the Cortical Control of Innate Reflexes |
Steven Short | Biology | The Complex Interactions of a Host-Virus Consortium |
Bryan Stewart | Biology | Analysis of Human Muscle Physiology in a 3D Culture System |
Ulrich Fekl | CPS | Sustainable, CO2‐neutral Fertilizer with the Help of Sunlight |
Jochen Halfar | CPS | Ice Edge: Sea-Ice and Glacier Retreat of Coastal Baffin Bay - Past, Present, and Future |
Jumi Shin | CPS | Our Two-Pronged Combination of Rational Design & Directed Evolution toward Asthma Drug Discovery |
Laura Brown | Geography | Modelling Changing Ice Covers in the Canadian High Arctic |
Laurel Besco | Geography and IMI | Innovative Law and Policy Approaches to Mitigating GHG Emissions from Air and Maritime Transport |
Igor Lehnherr | Geography | Sources of Toxic Methylmercury to Arctic Marine Waters During the Ice-on Season |
Elspeth Brown | Historical Studies | LGBTQ2+ Oral History: Digital Futures and Community Engagement in the Peel Region |
Boris Chrubasik | Historical Studies | Social and Cultural History of Elites in the Seleukid Empire |
Karen Ruffle | Historical Studies | Materialities of Religious Devotion & the Formation of Civic Cultures in Pakistan in the Everyday |
Alessandro Delfanti | ICCIT | Amazon Robots and the Future of Work |
Jessamyn Schertz | Language Studies | Factors Influencing Perceptual Adaptation of Sound Categories: The Effect of Listener Experience |
Erika Carlson | Psychology | Who Has Self-knowledge and How Do They Get It? |
Melissa Holmes | Psychology | Epigenetic Contributions to Social Control of Pubertal Timing |
Emily Impett | Psychology | Thanks for Trying! Maximizing Partner Change and Promoting Satisfaction Through Responsive Gratitude Expressions |
Loren Martin | Psychology | The Modulation of Pain by Social Interactions |
January 2018 (November 2017 Competition)
(Applications received: 35; Successful applications: 20; Success rate: 57.14%)
Name | Department | Project |
Esteban J. Parra | Anthropology | Healthy Land, Healthy People: An Ecosystem Approach to First Nation Health Using Metagenomics |
David Samson | Anthropology | What is human sleep? A Global, Comparative Investigation of Sleep in Traditional Societies |
Ingo Ensminger | Biology | Sequencing and Characterization of a Novel 16-kD Dehydrin Protein to Understand Its Role in low Temperature Acclimation and the Development of Cold Hardiness in Plants |
Ho Sung Rhee | Biology | Roles of the BAF Chromatin Remodelling Complex in Maintenance of Motor Neuron Identity |
Voula Kanelis | CPS | Designing Drugs to Treat ATP-Sensitive Potassium (KATP) Channel Mutations That Cause Cardiac Disease |
Marc Laflamme | CPS | Investigating the Evolution of Complex Reef Ecosystems from Labrador, Canada |
Lindsay Schoenbohm | CPS | Are Remnants of the Tibetan Plateau Preserved in the Southern Himalayan Thrust Belt? |
Sebastian Dyrda | Economics | Taxes, Regulations of Businesses and Evolution of Income Inequality in the US |
Liza Blake | English & Drama | Choose Your Own Poems and Fancies |
Alexandra Gillespie | English & Drama | Global Networks for Premodern Writing Technologies |
Terry Robinson | English & Drama | A History of Nobody: Being and Non-Being in Literature and Art from the Early Modern Era to the Present |
Matthew Adams | Geography | Air Pollution in Full Day Kindergarten Outdoor Play Areas |
Yuhong He | Geography | Developing a Precision Farming Monitoring System with Multi-Source Remote Sensing and Mobile Apps |
Nicole Charles | Historical Studies | Suspicion: Vaccines, Biotechnologies and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados |
Vincent Kuuire | Geography | Understanding the Occurrence of Infectious Diseases and Noncommunicable Diseases in Rapidly Evolving Urban Environments |
Kathi Wilson | Geography | An Exploratory Study of the Health Impacts of Changing Settlement Patterns of Immigrants in Peel Region, ON |
Sara Hughes | Political Science | Accumulating Injustice: Tracing the multiple causes of the Flint Water Crisis |
Shivaji Mukherjee | Political Science | Why are the Longest Insurgencies Low Violence? State Motivations and Counter Insurgency Variation |
Doug VanderLaan | Psychology | Cultural Influences on How Children Think About Cross-Gender Behaviour: A Preliminary Investigation in Thailand |
Sida Liu | Sociology | Ecologies of Globalization: China’s Shadow on the Legal Professions in Hong Kong and Taiwan |
December 2016 (November 2016 Competition)
(Applications received: 28; Successful applications: 20; Success rate: 71.43%)
Name | Department | Project |
Tracy Rogers | Anthropology | Skeletal Age at Death Estimation |
Andrea Muehlebach | Anthropology | Water, Politics, and the Democratic Imagination in Europe |
Adriano Senatore | Biology | Systems Level Analysis of Ligand-GPCR Signaling in the Simple Animal Trichoplax adhaerens |
Michael A. Phillips | Biology | New Plant Essential Oil Genes and Their Use in Food Safety |
Sasa Stefanovic | Biology | Hybridization and Polyploidy in Cuscuta (Dodders, Convolvulaceae) |
Peter Kotanen | Biology | The Impact of an Invasive Plant on Soil Microbiome Composition |
Kent Moore | CPS | Atmospheric Forcing of Ocean Convection |
Joshua Milstein | CPS | The Microbial Gene Swap: Studying Gene Transfer to Gain Insight into the Initiation and Spread of Infection |
Ulrich Fekl | CPS | Molecular Rotors for Device Applications |
Ronald Wolthoff | Economics | Information Disclosure, Statistical Discrimination and Labor Market Outcomes |
Holger Schott Syme | English & Drama | Shakespeare in Berlin, 1918-2018 |
Carrie Fulton | Historical Studies | Underwater Survey of the Ancient Anchorage of Maroni-Tsaroukkas, Cyprus |
Alessandro Delfanti | ICCIT | Worker Mobilization in the Sharing Economy |
Alex Hanna | ICCIT | Automating the Generation of Protest Event Data |
Victoria McArthur | ICCIT | Project PARSEC (Pedagogical Applications for the Recruitment of Scientists, Engineers, and Cosmonauts) |
Erin Tolley | Political Science | The Canadian Municipal Election Study |
Jennifer Stellar | Psychology | Identifying the Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Experiencing Awe |
Keisuke Fukuda | Psychology | EEG-Based Memory Monitoring and Intervention for Older Adults |
Erika Carlson | Psychology | Measuring Self-Knowledge |
Kajri Jain | Visual Studies | Inorganic Nature and Public Space in Post-Liberalization India |
January 2016 (November 2015 Competition)
(Applications received: 21; Successful applications: 14; Success rate: 66.67%)
Name | Department | Project |
Teddy Erclik | Biology | Spatial and Temporal Patterning of Neural Stem Cells in the Fruit Fly Brain |
Helene Wagner | Biology | Landscape Genomics of Onset of Flowering in a Spring Wildflower |
Marc Laflamme | Chemical & Physical Sciences | The Dawn of Animal Life from Central Iran |
Sebastian Dyrda | Economics | Household Formation and Labour Market Outcomes: Europe vs. USA |
Michel Serafinelli | Economics | Mobility of Inventors and Innovation |
Julie MacArthur | Historical Studies | Mapping Decolonization: Sovereignty, Territory, and Belonging in Eastern Africa, 1950-76 |
J. Barton Scott | Historical Studies | Oceanic Associations: Liberalism and Hindu Reform Across the British Empire |
Cosmin Munteanu | ICCIT | Increasing Older Adults' Online Safety: Understanding and Removing Barriers to Technology Adoption |
Laurel Besco | Geography | Engendering the Production of Corporate Environmental Norms: Energy Efficiency Targets in Ontario |
Laura Brown | Geography | Lake Ice in the Canadian High Arctic |
Tenley Conway | Geography | Exploring Ecological and Socially Relevant Diversity in the Urban Forest |
Doug VanderLaan | Psychology | Parent-Reported Mental Health Risk Among Gender-Nonconforming Children and Adolescents: An Examination of a Nonclinical, Community-Based Sample |
Andrew Miles | Sociology | Doing Good, Feeling Good: Moral Identity, Emotion, and Psychological Well Being |
Weiguo Zhang | Sociology | Migration, Aging and Well Being: Chinese Seniors in Canada |
February 2015 (January 2015 Competition)
(Applications received: 26; Successful applications: 13; Success rate: 50.00%)
Name | Department | Project Title |
Dan Schulze | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Constraints on the Origin of the Colorado Plateau |
Liza Blake | English & Drama | Arthur Golding's A Morall Fabletalke and Other Renaissance Moral Fables |
Alexandra Gillespie | English & Drama | Collating Chaucer's Canterbury Tales |
Ron Buliung | Geography | Understanding Geographies of Childhood Dis/ability |
Tim Duval | Geography | Land-use Effects on River Water Quality During Storms |
Trevor Porter | Geography | The Last 18 Million Years of Climate Change in Continental Yukon and Alaska Reconstructed from Water Isotope Proxies |
Nicole Cohen | ICCIT | Journalistic Labour in the Digital Newsroom |
Mihaela Pirvulescu | Language Studies | Trilingual Language Development and Maintenance in the French-immersion System |
Sara Hughes | Political Science | The Politics of Sustainable Cities: Case Studies of Institutional Change |
Emily Impett | Psychology | Not in the Mood? Development and Validation of the Sexual-Rejection Scale |
Loren Martin | Psychology | The Role of Social Stress on the Initiation of Chronic Pain |
Hae Yeon Choo | Sociology | Speculative Home-Making: Women's Labour, Class Mobility, and Real-Estate Investment in South Korea |
Brian Price | Visual Studies | The Elusive Image |
October 2014 (September 2014 Competition)
(Applications received: 41; Successful applications: 16; Success rate: 39.02%)
Name | Department | Project Title |
Esteban Parra | Anthropology | Healthy Land, Healthy People: An Ecosystem Approach to First Nation Health Using Metagenomics |
David Smith | Anthropology | The Social History of Precontact Huron-Wendat Communities in South-Central Ontario |
Ingo Ensminger | Biology | Screening Tools for Assessing Adaptation of Conifers to Future Climate |
Shannon McCauley | Biology | Food Web Assembly in Experimental Ponds |
Steven Short | Biology | Genomic and Metagenomic Analysis of Freshwater Viruses |
Ulrich Fekl | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Forming Carbon-Carbon Bonds through Palladium (IV) Intermediates |
Jochen Halfar | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Calibrating Artic Coralline Algae to Sea Ice Cover |
Jumi Shin | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Yeast as a Model System to Understand the Effects of Nanoparticles in the Environment |
Igor Lehnherr | Geography | Climate Change Impacts on Methylmercury Production in Arctic Ecosystems |
Nicola Lacetera | Management | Do Beliefs About Repugnant Transactions Respond to Empirical Evidence? An Experimental Analysis |
Andrea Olive | Political Science | Landowner Attitudes Toward Species at Risk in Ontario |
Judith Andersen | Psychology | Understanding the Psychological and Biological Impact of Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction Among Police Officers |
Erika Carlson | Psychology | Self-knowledge or Self-deception: Is Knowing How Others Perceive us Adaptive? |
Norman Farb | Psychology | The Body’s Role in Training Healthy Emotions |
Tina Malti | Psychology | Effects of Social Exclusion on Children’s Developmental and Behavioural Adaptation |
Iva Zovkic | Psychology | Memory Enhancing Effects of H2A.Z: Therapeutic Implications for Age-related |
February 2014 (January 2014 Competition)
(Applications received: 16; Successful applications: 9; Success rate: 56.25%)
Name | Department | Project Title |
Francis Cody | Anthropology | Mediating the People: Newspapers and Mass Politics in South India |
Gary Crawford | Anthropology | Understanding Agricultural Origins in the Lower Yangzi Valley |
Jeannine DeLombard | English & Drama | Homes Protected by Law: Race & Real Estate in 19th-Century American Literature |
Patrick Gunning | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Pioneering Inhibition of UBA5 Enzymes for Use in Cancer Combination Therapy |
Yuhong He | Geography | Mapping Trees Infested by Emerald Ash Borer Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data |
Marc Johnson | Biology | Feedbacks Between Plants and their Soil Microbiome: An Experimental Next-Generation Sequencing Approach |
Angela Lange | Biology | Ureases and Derived Peptides: Understanding the Neurotoxic Mechanism of Action in Insects |
Joshua Milstein | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Super-Resolution Imaging of Transcription Factories within Embryonic Stem Cells |
Andrea Muehlebach | Anthropology | Water, Politics, and the Democratic Imagination in Europe |