Public Policy Reports

The Public Policy Reports Collection is a collaboration between the VPRI and U of T Libraries that launched in 2018. The collection features public policy articles that are grey literature (research not published through traditional means). Reports must be authored by U of T academic units, faculty, fellows, students, or staff to be eligible.

Visit the Public Policy Reports Collection


Submit your work

This is a living collection and we encourage members of the UTM community who have authored or are aware of relevant reports to consider having them included in this collection. No special authorization beyond a UTORid is required to upload your report(s). Please see the Policy Reports Collection Upload Instructions for Authors for collection specific instructions. The Policy Reports Collection FAQs contains more information about the Collection.

For questions about the collection, contact: 

Daniel Harney
Manager, Projects and Engagement
Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (OVPRI)

For questions about TSpace, contact: