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Why Research Partnerships | Support Available to UTM Researchers | Navigating Each Stage of a Research Partnership |
Funding Your Partnered Research Project | Research Agreements & How to Request Them
Why Research Partnerships?
Academics can benefit from research partnerships with community groups, not-for-profit organizations, government, and industry, through:
Influencing policy
Co-creating and/or mobilizing new knowledge
Accessing resources and expertise that complements your own
Learning from external perspectives on your work
Increasing funding for your research program
Gaining access to unique datasets, materials, technologies, equipment
Understanding pressing challenges that can be addressed via your research
Working with a commercialization partner to translate your innovation
Benefits of research partnerships to research students and postdocs can include:
Experiential learning opportunities with potential future employers
Experience working within a collaborative framework
Deeper understanding of the sector and how it can be impacted by research
Support Available to UTM Researchers
UTM’s Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation provides end-to-end support for researchers:
Discuss your research partnership needs & wants, and brainstorm your research's unique offerings and applications
Shortlist potential research partners from a selection tailored to your research program's needs and priorities
Outreach and pitch to potential research partner(s)
Project ideation meetings with partner(s)
Exploration of matching funds programs to maximize your partner(s)' research investment
Facilitate proposal co-development to define shared goals, the scope of work, and outcomes
Navigate the partnered research agreements process
Support you and your partner(s) throughout the project lifecycle and beyond
Funding Your Partnered Research Project
Funding Opportunities
The OVPRI’s Strategic Research Development Officers have developed a comprehensive resource of partnered research opportunities that covers most disciplines. These programs cover all or part of the project’s budget, and are designed to support collaborative projects between academics and external organizations.
Budget Template
A budget template is available to help you create a customized budget for your project. We recommend using the template before finalizing and sharing financial details with your collaborating partner. To request access, please contact Stefanie Bernaudo, Partnerships & Awards Specialist, at stefanie.bernaudo@utoronto.ca.
Joint Mitacs-NSERC Alliance Grants
This joint funding opportunity offers a strategic approach to maximize funding by leveraging cash contributions from partners for matching from both NSERC-Alliance and Mitacs. Learn how we can help facilitate a streamlined application process and view an example of how to leverage partner funds.
Research Agreements & How to Request Them
The University has defined processes to formalize research partnerships. Navigate this section to learn about the types of contacts you may need when partnering externally for research, and when you may need them. UTM’s Office of the Vice-Principal Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is available to walk you through these processes and help you navigate each step.
When you’ll need this: Prior to meetings with partners where confidential information will be shared.
What it does: Allows researchers and their partners to exchange confidential information while protecting each party’s intellectual property.
What it looks like:
- Template CDA (if one party is sharing information)
- Template CDA (if both parties are sharing information)
Where to find more information: Learn more about CDAs
How to request one: Follow the steps for “Non-Funded Research Agreement”
When you’ll need this: When you plan to receive/send proprietary materials from/to a third party.
What it does: Outlines how the material can be used, and issues a license for the recipient to use the material under those terms.
What it looks like: View MTA example
Where to find more information: Learn more about MTAs
How to request one: Follow the steps for “Non-Funded Research Agreement”
When you’ll need this: When formalizing a partnered research project that is expected to result in publications and/or new intellectual property.
What it does: Outlines the terms of your collaboration with your research partner, including a description of the project, timelines, financial support, eligible expenses, and confidentiality.
What it looks like: View the Sponsored Research Agreement Template
For more information and how to request one: Learn more about SRAs and submit your request
When you’ll need this: When you plan to provide research services to an external party in a fee-for-service model.
What it does: Outlines the terms of the provision of services through work that is mostly defined by your partner, and no publications or new intellectual property are expected to result.
For more information and how to request one: To determine if your planned work qualifies for a service agreement, please fill out this form and send to innovations.partnerships@utoronto.ca with the subject line “Service Contracts”. If your partner has drafted a service contract, please attach it to your email. Otherwise, please indicate you’d like the IPO to draft the contract for you. Research contracts are signed by UTM.
When you’ll need this: When you’d like to formally acknowledge a non-funded research activity in a way that is not legally binding.
What it does: This non-legally-binding agreement formally states each party’s desired contributions to, and roles within, a non-funded partnered research activity.
What it looks like: U of T’s Research Services Office has developed a template MOU for SSHRC partnership grants, that may be used as a starting point for your situation.
How to request one: Follow the steps for “Non-Funded Research Agreement”

Raquel De Souza
Director, Partnerships & Innovation

Stefanie Bernaudo
Partnerships & Awards Specialist