Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

Updated: February 2025


Updated information from Vanier-Banting Secretariat: 

In alignment with the Tri-Agency Research Training Strategy and as announced in Budget 2024, the three federal granting agencies, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering and Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) are working to offer a harmonized and streamlined suite of research training support programs that is responsive to the needs of the research community. While more specific details will follow in the spring, the agencies want to share some preliminary information specific to the Vanier and Banting programs. 

Sunsetting of the Vanier and Banting programs

The current Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (results released in mid-April 2025) and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships (results released in mid-February 2025) will be the final competitions for these programs. 

The agencies will share additional updates with the community once we are in a position to confirm. Information sessions will be offered this spring where we will provide more details about competition processes on the updated suite of talent programs.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the agencies:

Vanier-Banting Secretariat on behalf of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC

Important Dates:

  1. Tuesday, July 2, 2024: Deadline for submitting a Notice of Intent.   
    This NOI form will be used for finding potential reviewers. Information in the NOI form will not be used for competition adjudication.
  2. Friday, July 26, 2024: Deadline for submitting an application for UTM internal competition to 

Each proposed UTM faculty supervisor cannot submit more than 1 application per competition

** For further information about Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program at the U of T, please visit School of Graduate Studies' website ( **


The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships ​Program is intended to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally; develop their leadership potential; and position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow, positively contributing to Canada’s economic, social and research-based growth through a research-intensive career.

Seventy fellowships are awarded annually, divided evenly between Canada’s three federal granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). There are a total of 140 awards active at any one time.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is unique in its emphasis on the synergy of research goals and projects between the following:

  • applicant—individual merit and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career
  • host institution—commitment to the research program and alignment with the institution’s strategic priorities

Value and Duration:

$70,000 per year (taxable) for two years (non-renewable)


Applicants and the proposed host institution must meet specific eligibility criteria within several categories. Applications that do not meet all of the eligibility criteria will not be accepted. View complete requirements on the Banting website.

  1. Applicant eligibility:
    • Citizenship and location of host institution
    • Eligibility window for degree completion - Applicants to the 2024-25 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program must fulfill or have fulfilled all degree requirements for a PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree between September 15, 2021 and September 30, 2025 (inclusively), and before the start date of their award.

      Note: Applicants who have not fulfilled all requirements for their degree at the time of application must submit proof no later than October 15, 2025. 

      For applicants who have completed more than one PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree, the eligibility window applies to the most recent of these degrees. 
  2. Host institution eligibility
  3. Other eligibility restrictions​

*To review all new program items and important reminders, please see the 2024-25 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship competition launch memo


Endorsement Process

Given the limited number of fellowships awarded annually, universities are encouraged to carefully consider and support only the highest quality applicants from both Canada and abroad. In keeping with the aim of attracting postdoctoral fellows to Canada, units are encouraged to endorse new foreign candidates. In addition, careful consideration must be given to ensure EDI principles are part of the endorsement process. U of T Faculty Research Offices receive allocations and are therefore limited in the number of applications they may put forth for endorsement by the School of Graduate Studies. 

Applicants must be nominated by their Faculty (e.g., Faculty of Arts and Science, Social Work) to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) to receive the endorsement of the University. Supervisors wishing to support a candidate's application must contact their affiliated Faculty Research Office to inquire about the Faculty's internal deadline, application and selection process (see Faculty contact info under “Contacts & Resources” section). Applications submitted outside of the affiliated Faculty competition and therefore without the official endorsement of Dean of Graduate Studies will be deemed ineligible by the Banting Secretariat. 

Fulfillment of Degree Form: University of Toronto graduates who wish to pursue their postdoctoral fellowship at another institution must apply through their proposed host institution, abiding to their internal selection process and deadlines. The School of Graduate Studies will sign the Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form for the candidate (candidate must complete the form before sending to SGS for signature), who must request it by email ( from the Postdoctoral Fellows Office. Please include your UofT student number in the email request. 

Those who have not completed their degree requirements yet are asked to submit the form to their graduate unit for completion. 

Selection Criteria:

Applications received by Banting will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria. Applicants, supervisors, departments, and faculties are encouraged to consider these criteria when developing their applications and when selecting nominees to be forwarded: 

  1. Research excellence and leadership in the research domain - demonstrated capacity for research excellence based on track record as defined by quality of applicant's research contributions and demonstrated capacity for leadership in the research domain defined by the sphere of influence achieved to date by the applicant.
  2. Quality of the applicant’s proposed research program - examined in terms of the potential of the proposed research program (taking into consideration feasibility, timelines and novelty of research), executed in the proposed institutional environment, to position the applicant for significant impact through a research-intensive career (potential for significant impact).
  3. Institutional commitment and demonstrated synergy between applicant and institutional strategic priorities – examined in terms of:
    • demonstrated commitment of institution to support the development of the applicant’s research and leadership capacity through institutional support (funding, facilities, equipment, etc.) and professional development; and
    • demonstrated alignment and synergy between the applicant's research ambitions and the institution's potential to benefit strategically from its engagement with the applicant (alignment with institution's strategic priorities) 

See the Banting Postdoctoral Fellows Selection Committee Guide for further information. 

UTM Application Process:

Applicants who intend to hold their fellowships at UTM, must submit their applications through UTM. Each proposed UTM faculty supervisor cannot submit more than 1 application per competition. The School of Graduate Studies determines how many applications the UTM Office of the Vice-Principal can put forward for submission to the Banting Competition. In 2024, UTM is allowed to forward 3 nominations.

In order to facilitate the review process, UTM faculty members are required to fill out an online Notice of Intent by Tuesday, July 2, 2024. If applicant is no longer interested in submitting a full application, please notify the OVPR office via email to

This NOI form will be used for finding potential reviewers. Information in the NOI form will not be used for competition adjudication. 

  • UTM Internal Deadline: 

By UTM internal deadline (Friday, July 26, 2024), applicants are required to submit a copy of the following documents for the internal competition in one single .PDF document to

1. Application details form (applicant's general profile), which must be initiated through the ResearchNet Application System ( .
2. Candidate’s Canadian Common CV created using the Common CV system 
3. Research proposal (include choice of institution).
4. Significance of research contribution.
5. Significance of leadership contribution.
6. Supervisor’s statement.
Please note:
1. At this point, referee names and reference letters are not required for this stage of the application, and will not be reviewed in the UTM internal competition. If an application is selected to be advanced to the School of Graduate Studies for the Banting competition, then reference letters will be required. 

2. All applicants should clearly justify their choice of host institution and supervisor, and they should highlight the anticipated benefits with respect to fulfilling their career aspirations. If they have already been at the proposed host institution for more than 6 months, they must justify their decision to remain at the same location. There should be a direct correlation between the strength of the justification and the amount of time already spent at that institution.

3. Please save a .PDF copy of the above sections in the preview in ResearchNet. Your application is not completed by the time of UTM internal competition. Therefore, do not submit your application in ReserchNet at that time.  

4. Nominees must also obtain (from the institution that conferred their degree) a Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form and attach this completed document to their online application. 

Applicants who require the Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form document from U of T must complete the form and send to the Postdoctoral Fellows Office ( before September 2, 2024.*Applicants must include their UofT student number when emailing their request* 

5. Candidates are responsible for uploading all required documents to ResearchNet to complete the application and submission process. Only the referee assessment forms are to be completed and submitted online by the referees. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all components of the application are complete (including references) and the application is submitted via ResearchNet by the deadline of September 17, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. (EDT). 

Important Application Reminders:

Eligible referees
An assessment cannot be completed by the proposed supervisor unless that person is currently your supervisor or has been your supervisor in the past.

Mandatory arm’s length referee
All applications must have at least one arm’s length referee from among the three invited referees. (see Application Guide-Task 8).

  The arm’s length referee cannot be: 

  • a relative, friend, or anyone else with whom the applicant has a personal relationship;
  • in a position to benefit from the funding of the application;
  • affiliated with the applicant’s current and/or proposed institution(s);
  • affiliated with the proposed supervisor, either personally or professionally; or
  • professionally affiliated with the applicant (currently, in the past, or in the immediate future), as a result of but not limited to:
    • being the applicant’s supervisor or trainee,
    • collaborating, publishing, or sharing funding with the applicant.

  Essentially, they must have no real or perceived vested interest in the success of the application. Therefore, the greater the distance between the applicant and the arm’s length referee, the better. 

  This is a mandatory requirement. The absence of an arm’s length assessment could therefore adversely affect the review of the application. 

Supervisor’s statement (support from institutions) 

Given the competitive nature of the Banting PDF program and its role as a premier postdoctoral program in Canada, it is very important that institutions clearly outline the support that will be provided to the applicant. The supervisor should explain how this support goes above and beyond what is offered to regular postdoctoral researchers. Furthermore, the support should be reasonable and appropriate to the institution and should meet the applicant’s needs and the requirements of the proposed research (see Application Guide-Task 10). 

Postdoctoral researchers must complete the Banting End of Award Report, which includes follow-up questions to confirm whether the support outlined in the application was granted to them during their award. 

Adjudication Process:

The OVPR will establish an internal adjudication process to review and adjudicate the Banting applications, and will notify the results of UTM internal competition to faculty supervisors by August 28, 2024 (approximately).

Successful applicants from UTM internal competition can continue working on their Banting applications, and will receive letter of endorsement from the School of Graduate Studies in September. They should submit their completed applications via ReserchNet by the deadline from Banting. Results of their Banting applications will be sent to applicants around mid-February 2025 directly from Agency.


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Banting PDF program encourages equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), as part of the Tri-Agency’s broader commitment to excellence in research and research training in Canada. EDI considerations must be taken into account throughout the Banting PDF competition, including during the selection committee member recruitment process and during the selection, endorsement, and review processes of an application. 

The EDI page of the Banting PDF website provides guidelines and resources geared towards applicants, host institutions, referees, and reviewers and readers, and addressing the following topics: research respectfully involving Indigenous communities; reducing unconscious bias; and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion more generally. An important component ensuring EDI in our selection process is the careful consideration to each applicant’s career interruptions and personal circumstances. The review of applicant’s track record will take into consideration the availability of research and leadership opportunities. Applicants are thus encouraged to identify any circumstances that might have delayed or interrupted their academic and/or career advancement (if applicable) in the Special Circumstances attachment of their application. 

Tri-Agency Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) 

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council are committed to excellence in research and research training. Achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is essential to creating the excellent, innovative and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges. Learn more about Tri-Agency Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

At the University of Toronto, we strive to be an equitable and inclusive community, rich with diversity, protecting the human rights of all persons, and based upon understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of every person. We seek to ensure to the greatest extent possible that all students and employees enjoy the opportunity to participate as they see fit in the full range of activities that the University offers, and to achieve their full potential as members of the University community. 

Program News

Reminder: San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

The three federal granting councils have signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), a global initiative whose purpose is to support the development and promotion of best practices in the assessment of scholarly research. As signatories of DORA, the agencies recognize and value a broad range of contributions and emphasize their quality and impact. 

Applicant and peer review guidance has been aligned with DORA recommendation. Applications can highlight a range of contributions in their applications. Reviewers are asked to assess research excellence broadly (i.e., not just based on publication) and to avoid using journal-based metrics, such as Journal Impart Factors, as a surrogate measure of the quality of individual research publications. 


Resources and Contacts:

  1. 2024-25 School of Graduate Studies Banting Announcement
  2. 2024-25 Banting Application Tip Sheet for Applicants & Supervisors

U of T nomination/selection process: SGS Banting webpage 

Banting Program information: See Banting website 

Banting PDF Review Process (Overview and Selection Committees Guide) 



UTM Contact: 
    Rong Wu, Internal Competitions & Events Coordinator

    Shaun Young, Manager, Research Administration and Operations

School of Graduate Studies Contact:
    Sarah Pickering, Postdoctoral Fellows Office 416-946-525



1. What documents should I submit for UTM internal competition?
Applicants are required to submit a copy of the following documents for the internal competition in one single .PDF document in the following order to

(1). Application details form (applicant's general profile), which must be initiated through the ResearchNet Application System ( .
(2). Candidate’s Canadian Common CV created using the Common CV system 
(3). Research proposal (include choice of institution).
(4). Significance of research contribution.
(5). Significance of leadership contribution.
(6). Supervisor’s statement.

Please save a .PDF copy of the above sections in the preview in ResearchNet. Your application is not completed by the time of UTM internal competition. Therefore, do not submit your application in ReserchNet at that time. 

2. In the original call for applications, it requires to submit the application through an online application form. Why is the form closed?
There is a technical issue for external candidates to fill out the online application form and submit the application documents. Therefore, will be used to receive application packages. Please ignore the link of the online application form.

3. If I have reference letters, should I include them in my application for UTM internal competition?
Reference letters are not required for UTM internal competition. Please do not include them in the application for UTM internal competition. Names of the referees are not required and will not be reviewed either.

4. What should I do to withdraw my Banting NOI?
Please notify the Office of the VP, Research by email (

5. Who should upload supervisor's statement?
Candidate should submit supervisor's statement in the ResearchNet. Candidates are responsible for uploading all required documents to ResearchNet to complete the application and submission process. Only the referee assessment forms are to be completed and submitted online by the referees.

6. Can I apply for Banting with the U of T if I already affiliated with the U of T? 
Applicants already affiliated with the proposed host institution must provide justification for remaining in the same research environment (for further instructions see Special circumstances).

7. What is the "Faculty" of the "Host Institution"?
Under the section of "Host Institution", the "Host Institution" should be "University of Toronto"; the "Faculty" should be "University of Toronto Mississauga"; and the "Department" should be the UTM department of the potential supervisor.

8. I'm a current Ph.D. student at the U of T, would like to apply for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at another university. Should I submit my application through U of T? 
University of Toronto graduates who wish to pursue their postdoctoral fellowship at another institution must apply through their proposed host institution, abiding to their internal selection process and deadlines. The School of Graduate Studies will sign the Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form for the candidate (candidate must complete the form before sending to SGS for signature), who must request it by email ( from the Postdoctoral Fellows Office. Please include your UofT student number in the email request.