Outreach, Conference and Colloquia Fund

Updated: April 2024

Program Purpose:

The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to organize conferences, colloquia, or other outreach activities that enhances the UTM research profile at local, national, and international levels. 

Applications must clearly identify the organizational components of the proposed activity. These funds are not intended to support travel or other costs of individual researchers who participate in conferences or colloquia. Priority funding is given to events held at UTM. 


Applicants will normally be full-time tenure-stream UTM faculty members; exceptional applications from teaching-stream faculty will be considered where there is a research component of the activity (i.e organization of undergraduate research conference)

There are two funding tiers, up to $5,000 for events held at UTM campus, and up to $3,000 for events held outside of UTM. 

Successful applicants will be eligible to reapply for funding 24 months following the competition deadline.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Appropriateness and Quality of the proposed activity
  2. Enhancement of UTM research culture and/or profile

Successful awards will be made on an “approved for reimbursement” basis. The Financial & Infrastructure Manager, OVPRI, will communicate the reimbursement process to awardees.


The UTM affiliation of researchers and support from the UTM VPRI should be acknowledged in all media associated with the activity.


Recipients must submit a final report of one to two pages in length describing what was accomplished and how the funds were expended to the OVPRI Director no later than one year following a successful application. Failure to submit a final report could result in funds being withheld in a subsequent OCCF competition for which you are applying. 

How to Apply:

A complete proposal should be 1 page maximum in a single PDF document (single space, 12pt New Times Roman), in clear non-specialist language, under these headings:

  1. Description of proposed conference, colloquium, or outreach activity
    (with clear indication of value to UTM research profile)
  2. Reason for the request
    (how the funds will be used for and for what purpose)

Applications should be submitted via an online application form. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Applications to the OCCF are currently accepted all year long. Applications need to be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the proposed event in order to allow sufficient time for the transfer of funding to be processed by Financial Services.

If you have any questions about this funding opportunity, please email Rong Wu at funding.ovpri.utm@utoronto.ca.


Click here to view past OCCF recipients and projects.