Connaught Funding supports U of T Mississauga research

Professor Lauren Schroeder from the Department of Anthropology is one of 16 UTM researchers who are benefitting from UofT’s Connaught Funding Program.
She will use the Connaught New Researcher Award to further her studies on the changes in skull structures in the ‘coywolf,” an animal that is a hybrid between western coyotes, grey wolves, and dogs, and she will examine specifically a sample of coywolves at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY. This work feeds into a larger project Schroeder will undertake that investigates the hybridization on the mammalian skeleton and involves collaborators from the U.S. and South Africa.
Along with Schroeder for her project, "The hybrid phenotype of the coywolf: a new model for hominin evolution," the other recipients from nine different UTM departments include the following:
- Professor Matthew Adams, Department of Geography, STUCAN - A spatially transferable and temporally resolved Urban Corridor Air and Noise pollution model - How to locate air pollution monitors in an urban environment, and baseline air and noise pollution data from the Hurontario LRT line
- Professor Derek Denis, Department of Language Studies, New-dialect formation in a Toronto neighbourhood of first arrival
- Professor Sanja Fidler, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Interactive large-scale annotation of image datasets
- Professor Daniel Thomas Goetz, Department of Management, The role of therapist decisions in access to mental health care
- Professor Alex Hanna, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology, Racialized movements, protest diffusion, and digital media
- Professor Andreas Hilfinger, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Translating general theorems for stochastic processes into novel analysis tools for single-cell fluctuation data
- Professor Vincent Kuuire, Department of Geography, Exploring the transnationalism-integration Nexus: Understandgin the relationship between integration and origin country social and economic ties
- Professor Andrew Miles, Department of Sociology, Living right, feeling good: The effects of moral action on positive emotion
- Professor Kristin Plys, Department of Sociology, Brewing resistance: Coffee house as a site of social protest against postcolonial authoritarianism in India and Pakistan
- Professor Sarah Rauscher, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Elucidating the structure and dynamics of disordered proteins underlying human health and disease
- Professor Ho Sung Rhee, Department of Biology, Motor Neuron Regulatory Genes and Mechanism of their action
- Professor Sushant Sachdeva, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Design of fast flow algorithms using continuous methods
- Professor David Samson, Department of Anthropology, What is human sleep? A global, comparative investigation of sleep in traditional societies
- Professor Adriano Senatore, Department of Biology, Systems level analysis of fast electrochemical and slow neuromodulatory neural cell-cell signaling in the basal invertebrate, trichoplax adhaerens
- Professor Gail Super, Department of Sociology, Precarious penalty on the periphery: crime prevention and punishment in South Africa's informal settlements
The Connaught New Researcher program annually awards UofT assistant professors within the first five years of a tenure track position with an aim to establish strong research programs. In 2017-18, 61 UofT researchers on all three campuses received support that collectively total over $1 million in funding.
To read the full story on all of the latest UofT recipients, see the UofT News site.