SEE@UTM Co-Op Placements

SEE@UTM: Co-Op Placements

We are looking for Co-op Supervisors for High School Students! All faculty supervisors, administrative staff, and departments welcome! To apply fill out this form here: SEE@UTM Recruitment Form. 

SEE@UTM Co-Op Placements 

Why Become A Co-Op Supervisor?

1. CREATE the opportunity to provide guidance, direction, and a new interactive learning environment to students outside the classroom.

2. DESIGN specific tasks that support your departmental learning objectives and inspire feedback and discussion from students.

3. GIVE high school students from underrepresented and marginalized communities the chance to gain confidence in their educational journey.

Interested in becoming a SEE@UTM Co-Op Supervisor? Fill out our recruitment form below. Opportunities to be a supervisor are limited, first come first serve basis

Application Process 

Step One: Fill out our Co-Op supervisor interest form;

Step Two: SEE@UTM staff reaches out with your next steps;

Step Three: Fill out the Job Description form;

Step Four: Attend the Job Fair;

Step Five: Candidate selection;

Step Six: Interviews;  

Step Seven: Placements begin.

*The PDSB teacher will provide documentation and guides every step of the way*

Important Dates 

  • December 5th to January 31st 2024 - Co-Op Placements: Every Monday – Friday from 12:10pm – 3:10pm
  • October 21st 2024 - The SEE@UTM Job Fair: We encourage all supervisors to attend and showcase their department to the students.


For all questions and feedback regarding SEE UTM Mentorship Program, please contact:

  • Email: see@utm email here