Room Booking

Room Bookings

SOP-recognized student organizations have access to book academic spaces on campus to promote club and group activities as well as to run activities and events. Booking rooms on campus are facilitated through the Centre for Student Engagement on behalf of the University.

Please take note of the following when submitting room booking requests:

  • Room booking requests must be completed online through the room booking form below and must be submitted at least ten business (10) days in advance of your planned event date. Please do not promote a location until your booking has been confirmed.
  • Due to space limitations on campus, a form submission does not guarantee a booking.
  • If food will be provided at an event hosted at any UTM outdoor locations or campus buildings (aside from the Student Centre), you must use the campus food service provider Chartwells, arranged through UTM Conference Services.
    • Catering is arranged through UTM Conference Services by emailing Special menus and pricing are available for UTM-recognized student groups with sufficient advance notice.
  • Introduced in 2020, Student Groups no longer need to pay A/V fees to use regular A/V provided in classroom spaces (eg. projectors, podium mics already present in the space)
    • If additional A/V services are required, student groups are responsible for booking their group’s audio/visual equipment with I&ITS Classroom Technology and fees will be charged per I&ITS
    • To book audio/visual equipment, please fill out the Audio and Visual Services request form for Recognized Student Groups through the UTM Service Portal - this form can be found by searching "AV" under Information & Instructional Technology Services at the UTM Service Portal:
    • For questions or concerns regarding audio/visual equipment bookings, please call (905) 569-4300.
  • If your group is planning to show a movie on campus, your student group must confirm that you have the license and copyright permission to do so. You may refer to the UofT Copyright Considerations for further information.
    • You may wish to consult UTM's copyright librarian, Yayo Umetsubo, well in advance of confirming and promoting your event
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail if your booking has been approved. If you do not receive a confirmation email prior to your requested room booking, please contact us. Without a confirmation email, room bookings are not officially approved.
  • Please note: Your group must abide by the Room Booking Guidelines outlined below, otherwise room booking or other SOP privileges may be withdrawn

Room Booking Guidelines

Prior to booking a room on-campus, please review the room booking guidelines found below in full. All student organizations are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

  • The room booking request form constitutes a request for access to university classroom and conference space. Rooms will not be reserved until a confirmation email is received.
    • This form is not to be used for requesting gyms, playing fields, residences or the Student Centre. 
  • Not all requests can be accommodated, thus a location should not be advertised until a room booking has been confirmed.
  • Any space provided is for the use of the group and the event/purpose noted in the room booking request submission.
    • The space is not to be used for any other group(s), event(s), or purpose(s).
    • Groups are not permitted to book rooms for an external vendor, corporation, company, or any other groups not affiliated with the University of Toronto Mississauga without the written approval of the University
  • All groups and events must abide by the UofT Policy on the Temporary Use of Space and its procedures as well as all applicable University policies, federal and provincial statutes and municipal bylaws relating to private property, and the rights of the individual and the University
  • The student group is responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions for any public presentation of copyrighted material (eg. movies).
  • Groups are responsible for leaving the space in a clean and usable condition as well as to return the room to the set up in which it was found, and is responsible for any related charges.
  • Affixing any materials to walls, windows, surfaces, etc. is strictly forbidden.
    • Helium balloons are not permitted inside any building on campus.
  • Amplified sound is not permitted unless explicitly authorized by Conference Services.
  • All food served on campus must be arranged and/or approved by Conference Services.
    • This includes potlucks, snacks, and or any meals that are arranged for guests.
  • If the room booking is for an event or activity that may be deemed controversial, provocative, and/or may have reputational risk to the University, additional steps/modifications may need to be taken to ensure the University, the community members, and the organizers are protected.
    • These may include: Hiring security/police to monitor the event; Relocating the event to an alternate room/location; Developing a communication plan with the Student Engagement Coordinator
    • In some instances, the event may be deemed very high-risk and the postponement or cancellation of the event may be recommended.
  • All group members are welcome to arrange a meeting with the Student Engagement Coordinator to discuss their event and to ensure all event preparations are in order.
    • The Student Engagement Coordinator is available to provide guidance and support to ensure a safe and successful event for the organizers and all attendees.
    • You may contact the UTM Student Engagement Coordinator by sending an email to
  • The provision of space, resources and the approval of a group's room booking is provided on the assumption that the information provided in the form submission is a full and accurate disclosure of the nature of the activities taking place at the facilities provided.
    • UTM reserves the right to withdraw approval at any time should the activity, number of participants, or other detail(s) differ from the information provided in the form, and is not liable for any related losses that may occur.  
  • UTM reserves the right to refuse/cancel bookings of organizations that have not complied with conditions established or who have a balance owing to UTM.

Room Booking Cancellations

Failure to utilize your booking penalizes other groups who could have used these limited spaces. Late changes and/or cancelations may result in additional booking-related charges, depending on the particular service(s) and the notice provided. If you need to cancel your booking, please email Conference Services at

Room Booking Confirmation Email

The room booking confirmation email must be readily available at the event.  You will receive this confirmation email once your booking has been finalized. You cannot use a room without confirmation of a booking.

Risk Assessment 

Before you host an event, it can be very helpful to complete a risk assessment beforehand. A risk assessment helps you and your group to plan ahead for risk associated with your activity and how you will manage them if they arise. 

Read more about how to complete a risk assessment for your event here.

Contact Us

Please direct any questions to the Centre for Student Engagement at

How to Submit Room Booking Requests

To gain access to submitting room booking requests, you must:

  1. Be a SOP-recognized group
  2. Read through the Room Booking Guidelines outlined below
  3. Abide by the instructions outlined above
  4. Have your Primary or Secondary contacts on SOP submit a room booking request via the form below
  5. Room booking requests must be must be submitted at least ten business (10) days in advance of your planned event date.

Click here to submit a room booking request to book a room on campus