Updated: February 2025
Please find below the U of T Mississauga research projects that have been funded through the Office of the Vice Principal, Research, Outreach, Conference and Colloquia Fund's past competitions.
Name | Department | Project |
Lilia Topouzova | ICCIT | The University of Toronto at the Venice Biennale: Creative Practice, Pedagogy, and Making Scholarly Research Public |
Rosalind Murray | Biology | Turtles at Risk Symposium |
Cynthia Cranford | Sociology | 4th Global Carework Summit: Histories and Futures of Care |
Hyesung Yoo Ruben Gaetani El Hadi Caoui Matthew Osborne | ICCIT and Management | Frontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods |
Anne Spice | Anthropology | Unsettling Queer Anthropology: A Book Panel |
Elspeth Brown | Historical Studies | Worthy of the Event Book Talk with Vivian Blaxell |
Name | Department | Project |
John Ricco | Visual Studies | Sex & Ethics |
Ruba Kana'an | Visual Studies | Arts of the Indian Ocean Conference |
Nilanjan Das | Philosophy | The Kumārila Studies Conference |
Marta Bryan | CPS | Solar Eclipse Viewing Party and Public Lecture |
Claudiu Gradinaru | CPS | Chemical Biophysics Symposium |
Alicia Hawkins | Anthropology | Teachings about Archaeological Belongings and Ancestors – Mississaugas of the Credit FN and UTM Anthropologists |
Jessamyn Schertz | Language Studies | New Sounds 2025 |
Michael Phillips | Biology | Annual Conference of the Phytochemical Society of North America |
Melissa Gniadek | English & Drama | Melville and Hawthorne ReWritten |
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour | Language Studies | The Fourth North American Conference on Iranian Linguistics (NACIL 4) |
Name | Department | Project |
Cynthia Cranford | Sociology | Third Carework Network Global Summit “Carework in uncertain times: convergences and divergences around the world.” |
David McMillen | CPS | Chemical Biophysics Symposium |
Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi | Historical Studies | Woman, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future |
Salvatore Bancheri | Language Studies | Cross-Disciplinary Dialogues: Studies in Honor of Michael Lettieri |
Martin Revermann | Historical Studies | Translating Latin and Greek: A Workshop for Classicists |
Carolina Arteaga; Roman Zarate | Economics | Frontiers in Applied Microeconomics Conference |
Kevin Coleman | Historical Studies | Launch of Visualizing the Americas |
Zoë Wool | Anthropology | Crip Technoscience Studies Network |
Name | Department | Project |
Andreas Bendlin | Historical Studies | Appropriation: A New Approach to Religion in Antiquity |
Liza Blake | English and Drama | Race Before Race: Genealogies |
Derek Denis | Language Studies | Workshop on Linguistic Equity and Justice |
Claudiu Gradinaru | CPS | 21st Great Lakes GPCR Retreat 2022 |
Yael Karshon | MCS | Workshop on Line groups, singular spaces, and higher structures |
Name | Department | Project |
Salvatore Bancheri | Language Studies | Dante's Influence on (Italian) Canadian Arts |
Sherry Fukuzawa | Anthropology | Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting |
January 2020 (November 2019 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Tracey Galloway | Anthropology | Teachings with Elders Be’sha Blondin and Albert Marshall |
Andrea Muehlebach | Anthropology | Distribute! An Experiment in Carbon-Free Conferencing |
Anjuli Raza Kolb | English & Drama | Poetry Reading and Masterclass by Fatimah Asghar |
Yuhong He | Geography | Precision Agriculture and Remote Sensing Research Network Workshop |
Carrie Atkins Fulton John Fabiano | Historical Studies | A Colloquium on Labour, Work, and Culture in the Later Roman Empire |
Yujie (Julie) Chen | ICCIT | Disrupting the Platform Economy |
Teresa Lobalsamo | Language Studies | Italian Pedagogy in an Age of Memes |
Ruben Gaetani | Management | Frontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods |
Yael Karshon | MCS | Geometric quantization: Old and New |
Andrea Olive | Political Science and Geography | Parks and Indigenous Peoples in Urban Spaces: Opportunities, Challenges, and Identities |
Kristin Plys | Sociology | Workshop on Caste Politics in Contemporary India |
May 2019 (April 2019 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Helene Wagner | Biology | IALE North America Annual Meeting 2020 |
Cynthia Cranford | Sociology | Tensions and Alliance in Care: A Conversation between Academics and Community |
February 2019
Name | Department | Project |
Marc Laflamme | CPS | Canadian Paleontology Conference 2019 |
January 2019 (November 2018 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Vivienne Luk | Anthropology | Canadian Universities For Forensic Science (CUFFS) Conference |
Virginijus Barzda | CPS | 5th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada - BSC2019 |
Jennifer Nagel | Philosophy | Workshop on Indian Epistemology |
Emily Impett | Psychology | York/University of Toronto Social Personality Abnormal (YUTSPA) Conference |
April 2018 (April 2018 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Alberto Galasson Tanjim Hossain Nicola Lacetera | Management and IMI | Frontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods |
Doug VanderLaan | Psychology | SEXposium Science Outreach Conference |
Weiguo Zhang | Sociology | Health and Wellbeing of Chinese Older Immigrants in Canada |
January 2018 (November 2017 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Liza Blake | English & Drama | New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2018 |
Matthew Adams | Geography | University of Toronto Mississauga – Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Research Workshop |
Karen Ruffle | Historical Studies | The Many Lives of Aurangzeb: Graduate Workshop on Reading, Writing, and Teaching Religious “Controversy” in South Asian Religious History |
Mohan Matthen | Philosophy | International Multisensory Research Forum |
April 2017 (March 2017 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Scott Prosser | CPS | Celebrating Research Excellence |
Xiaodong Zhu | Economics | Bank of Canada-University of Toronto Conference on the Chinese Economy |
Kevin Coleman | Historical Studies | Human Rights and Transnational Solidarity in Cold War Latin America, Public Lecture |
Ajay Rao | Historical Studies | Graduate Conference for South Asian Religions |
Alessandro Delfanti | ICCIT | Resisting the Digital Economy |
Christine Shaw | Visual Studies | Take Care: The Labour of Curation |
December 2016 (November 2016 Competition)
Name | Department | Project |
Joshua Milstein | CPS | Imaging in Cell and Molecular Biology |
Igor Lehnherr | Geography | Canada’s Changing Arctic: Walking on Thin Ice |
Cosmin Munteanu | ICCIT | Bridging the Gap between Research, Industry Trends, and Curriculum Renewal within Human-Computer Interaction in Canada |
Laura Derksen | Management | IMI Junior Conference – Health Strategy |
Andrea Olive | Political Science | Emerging Issues as Canada Celebrates its Sesquicentennial: Challenges and Opportunities in the Canadian North |
March 2016
Name | Department | Project |
Marc Johnson Amanda Nelson | Biology | Conference: Urban Ecology and Evolution |
Alexandra Gillespie | English & Drama | Jackman Humanities Digital Humanities Meeting |
Laurel Besco | Geography | Southwestern Ontario Environmental Law & Policy Research Network Workshop |
Joan Simalchik | Historical Studies, Women & Gender Studies | Undergraduate research conference |
Alberto Galasson Tanjim Hossain Nicola Lacetera | Management and IMI | Frontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods |
Judith Andersen | Psychology | Conference: Enhancing Police Performance Through Evidence Based Training |
Phil Goodman Paula Maurutto Kelly Hannah-Moffat | Sociology | ‘Penal Boundaries’: Excesses, Limits, and the Production of Inequality. Workshop/Conference |
January 2016
Name | Department | Project |
Robert Reisz | Biology | Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Paleontology |
Laura Brown | Geography | University of Toronto Mississauga - York University Environmental Monitoring Workshop |
Shashi Kant | IMI | Stasis Challenge |
Claude Evans | Language Studies | Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquium: Monasteries, Convergences, Exchanges, and Confrontations in the West of Europe in the Middle Ages (May 5-6, 2016) |
Teresa Lobalsamo | Language Studies | Gastronomy, Culture, and the Arts: A Scholarly Exchange of Epic Portions Hindu Reform Acoss the British Empire |
Shay Fuchs | Mathematical & Computational Sciences | Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Meeting, Fall 2018 |
February 2015
Name | Department | Project Title |
Scott Prosser | Chemical & Physical Sciences | 16th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat & Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires International Meeting |
October 2014
Name | Department | Project Title |
Heather Miller | Anthropology | Ritual Landscapes in South Asian Archaeology (Conference) |
Judith Poë | Chemical & Physical Sciences | Southwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference |
Kevin Coleman | Historical Studies | Full-day UTM Event on the Visual in Mexico |
Enrico Raffaelli | Historical Studies | Exploring Rohinton Mistry’s Narrative |
Ajay Rao | Historical Studies | Workshop on Tantrism |
Karen Ruffle | Historical Studies | Materiality at the Margins: New Approaches to Religious Materiality in the Deccan |
Andrea Olive | Political Science | Public Policy and Governance of Hydraulic Fracturing in North America |
February 2014
Name | Department | Project Title |
Ana Maria Bejarano | Political Science | Harvesting Peace in Colombia: A Rural Agenda for the Future |
Phil Goodman Paula Maurutto Kelly Hannah-Moffat | Sociology | Penal Boundaries: Excesses, Limits, and the Production of Inequality |
Tanjim Hossain Alberto Gallasso Nicola Lacetera | Management/IMI | Frontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods |
Peter Kotanen | Biology | Terrestrial Invasive Plants Meeting II |
Angela Lange Ian Orchard | Biology | Insect Biotech Conference |
Paul Piunno | Chemical & Physical Sciences | 23rd IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education |
Fiona Rawle Christoph Richter Sanja Hinic-Frlog | Biology | Ontario Biology Day 2014 |