OCCF Results

Updated: February 2025

Please find below the U of T Mississauga research projects that have been funded through the Office of the Vice Principal, Research, Outreach, Conference and Colloquia Fund's past competitions.


Lilia TopouzovaICCITThe University of Toronto at the Venice Biennale: Creative Practice, Pedagogy, and Making Scholarly Research Public
Rosalind MurrayBiologyTurtles at Risk Symposium
Cynthia CranfordSociology4th Global Carework Summit: Histories and Futures of Care
Hyesung Yoo
Ruben Gaetani 
El Hadi Caoui
Matthew Osborne 
ICCIT and ManagementFrontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods
Anne SpiceAnthropologyUnsettling Queer Anthropology: A Book Panel
Elspeth BrownHistorical StudiesWorthy of the Event Book Talk with Vivian Blaxell



John RiccoVisual StudiesSex & Ethics
Ruba Kana'anVisual StudiesArts of the Indian Ocean Conference
Nilanjan DasPhilosophyThe Kumārila Studies Conference
Marta BryanCPSSolar Eclipse Viewing Party and Public Lecture
Claudiu GradinaruCPSChemical Biophysics Symposium
Alicia HawkinsAnthropologyTeachings about Archaeological Belongings and Ancestors – Mississaugas of the Credit FN and UTM Anthropologists
Jessamyn SchertzLanguage StudiesNew Sounds 2025 
Michael PhillipsBiologyAnnual Conference of the Phytochemical Society of North America
Melissa GniadekEnglish & DramaMelville and Hawthorne ReWritten
Arsalan KahnemuyipourLanguage StudiesThe Fourth North American Conference on Iranian Linguistics (NACIL 4)  


Cynthia CranfordSociologyThird Carework Network Global Summit “Carework in uncertain times: convergences and divergences around the world.”
David McMillenCPSChemical Biophysics Symposium
Mohamad Tavakoli-TarghiHistorical StudiesWoman, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future
Salvatore BancheriLanguage StudiesCross-Disciplinary Dialogues: Studies in Honor of Michael Lettieri
Martin RevermannHistorical StudiesTranslating Latin and Greek: A Workshop for Classicists
Carolina Arteaga;
Roman Zarate
EconomicsFrontiers in Applied Microeconomics Conference
Kevin ColemanHistorical StudiesLaunch of Visualizing the Americas
Zoë WoolAnthropologyCrip Technoscience Studies Network


Andreas BendlinHistorical StudiesAppropriation: A New Approach to Religion in Antiquity
Liza Blake English and Drama Race Before Race: Genealogies 
Derek DenisLanguage StudiesWorkshop on Linguistic Equity and Justice
Claudiu GradinaruCPS21st Great Lakes GPCR Retreat 2022
Yael KarshonMCSWorkshop on Line groups, singular spaces, and higher structures


Salvatore BancheriLanguage Studies Dante's Influence on (Italian) Canadian Arts 
Sherry FukuzawaAnthropology Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting

January 2020 (November 2019 Competition)

Tracey GallowayAnthropologyTeachings with Elders Be’sha Blondin and Albert Marshall
Andrea MuehlebachAnthropologyDistribute! An Experiment in Carbon-Free Conferencing
Anjuli Raza KolbEnglish & DramaPoetry Reading and Masterclass by Fatimah Asghar
Yuhong HeGeographyPrecision Agriculture and Remote Sensing Research Network Workshop
Carrie Atkins Fulton
John Fabiano
Historical StudiesA Colloquium on Labour, Work, and Culture in the Later Roman Empire
Yujie (Julie) ChenICCITDisrupting the Platform Economy
Teresa LobalsamoLanguage StudiesItalian Pedagogy in an Age of Memes
Ruben GaetaniManagementFrontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods
Yael KarshonMCSGeometric quantization: Old and New
Andrea OlivePolitical Science and GeographyParks and Indigenous Peoples in Urban Spaces: Opportunities, Challenges, and Identities
Kristin PlysSociologyWorkshop on Caste Politics in Contemporary India

May 2019 (April 2019 Competition)

Helene WagnerBiologyIALE North America Annual Meeting 2020
Cynthia CranfordSociologyTensions and Alliance in Care: A Conversation between Academics and Community

February 2019

Marc LaflammeCPSCanadian Paleontology Conference 2019

January 2019 (November 2018 Competition)

Vivienne LukAnthropologyCanadian Universities For Forensic Science (CUFFS) Conference
Virginijus BarzdaCPS5th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada - BSC2019
Jennifer NagelPhilosophyWorkshop on Indian Epistemology
Emily ImpettPsychologyYork/University of Toronto Social Personality Abnormal (YUTSPA)

April 2018 (April 2018 Competition)


Alberto Galasson

Tanjim Hossain

Nicola Lacetera

Management and IMIFrontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods
Doug VanderLaanPsychologySEXposium Science Outreach Conference
Weiguo ZhangSociologyHealth and Wellbeing of Chinese Older Immigrants in Canada


January 2018 (November 2017 Competition)

Liza BlakeEnglish & DramaNew Chaucer Society Conference, July 2018
Matthew AdamsGeographyUniversity of Toronto Mississauga – Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Research Workshop
Karen RuffleHistorical StudiesThe Many Lives of Aurangzeb: Graduate Workshop on Reading, Writing, and Teaching Religious “Controversy” in South Asian Religious History
Mohan MatthenPhilosophyInternational Multisensory Research Forum


April 2017 (March 2017 Competition)

Name DepartmentProject
Scott ProsserCPSCelebrating Research Excellence
Xiaodong ZhuEconomicsBank of Canada-University of Toronto Conference on the Chinese Economy
Kevin ColemanHistorical StudiesHuman Rights and Transnational Solidarity in Cold War Latin America, Public Lecture
Ajay RaoHistorical StudiesGraduate Conference for South Asian Religions
Alessandro Delfanti ICCITResisting the Digital Economy
Christine ShawVisual StudiesTake Care: The Labour of Curation


December 2016 (November 2016 Competition)

Joshua MilsteinCPSImaging in Cell and Molecular Biology



GeographyCanada’s Changing Arctic: Walking on Thin Ice



ICCITBridging the Gap between Research, Industry Trends, and Curriculum Renewal within Human-Computer Interaction in Canada



ManagementIMI Junior Conference – Health Strategy
Andrea OlivePolitical ScienceEmerging Issues as Canada Celebrates its Sesquicentennial: Challenges and Opportunities in the Canadian North


March 2016


Marc Johnson

Amanda Nelson

BiologyConference: Urban Ecology and Evolution
Alexandra GillespieEnglish & DramaJackman Humanities Digital Humanities Meeting
Laurel BescoGeographySouthwestern Ontario Environmental Law & Policy Research Network Workshop
Joan SimalchikHistorical Studies, Women & Gender StudiesUndergraduate research conference

Alberto Galasson

Tanjim Hossain

Nicola Lacetera

Management and IMIFrontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods
Judith AndersenPsychologyConference: Enhancing Police Performance Through Evidence Based Training

Phil Goodman

Paula Maurutto

Kelly Hannah-Moffat

Sociology‘Penal Boundaries’: Excesses, Limits, and the Production of Inequality. Workshop/Conference

January 2016

Name    DepartmentProject
Robert ReiszBiologyAnnual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Laura BrownGeographyUniversity of Toronto Mississauga - York University Environmental Monitoring Workshop
Shashi KantIMIStasis Challenge
Claude EvansLanguage StudiesAncient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquium: Monasteries, Convergences, Exchanges, and Confrontations in the West of Europe in the Middle Ages (May 5-6, 2016)
Teresa LobalsamoLanguage Studies

Gastronomy, Culture, and the Arts: A Scholarly Exchange of Epic Portions

Hindu Reform Acoss the British Empire

Shay FuchsMathematical & Computational SciencesMathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Meeting, Fall 2018


February 2015

NameDepartmentProject Title
Scott ProsserChemical & 
Physical Sciences
16th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat & Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires International Meeting


October 2014

NameDepartmentProject Title
Heather MillerAnthropologyRitual Landscapes in South Asian Archaeology (Conference)
Judith PoëChemical & Physical SciencesSouthwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference
Kevin ColemanHistorical StudiesFull-day UTM Event on the Visual in Mexico
Enrico RaffaelliHistorical StudiesExploring Rohinton Mistry’s Narrative
Ajay RaoHistorical StudiesWorkshop on Tantrism
Karen RuffleHistorical StudiesMateriality at the Margins: New Approaches to Religious Materiality in the Deccan
Andrea OlivePolitical SciencePublic Policy and Governance of Hydraulic Fracturing in North America


February 2014

NameDepartmentProject Title
Ana Maria BejaranoPolitical ScienceHarvesting Peace in Colombia: A Rural Agenda for the Future
Phil Goodman 
Paula Maurutto
Kelly Hannah-Moffat
SociologyPenal Boundaries: Excesses, Limits, and the Production of Inequality
Tanjim Hossain
Alberto Gallasso
Nicola Lacetera
Management/IMIFrontiers in the Economics of Organizations and Markets: Theory, Applications and Methods
Peter KotanenBiologyTerrestrial Invasive Plants Meeting II
Angela Lange
Ian Orchard
BiologyInsect Biotech Conference
Paul PiunnoChemical & 
Physical Sciences
23rd IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education
Fiona Rawle
Christoph Richter
Sanja Hinic-Frlog
BiologyOntario Biology Day 2014