Connaught Fund 2014
Researchers at U of T Mississauga will get a funding boost to support projects that range in varied topics from illegal gun smuggling at the Windsor-Detroit border, to evolution and early stages of animal life, and to reasoning and desire in the Victorian novel.
Overall the New Researcher program provided over $920,000 to 53 faculty members across the university. To see the full list and article, please refer to the Research News section of the U of T website.
For U of T Mississauga recipients, please see the following list:
- Elizabeth Adams Blake, Department of English and Drama, “Early Modern Literary Physics”
- Erika Nicole Carlson, Department of Psychology, “Mindfulness as a Path to Self-Knowledge”
- Jennifer Carlson, Department of Sociology, "Policing Guns"
- Nicole Cohen, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology, “New Forms of News: Making and Remaking Journalism in a Digital Age”
- Kevin Coleman, Department of Historical Studies, “Visualizing the Americas: Photography, the United Fruit Company, and Seeing from Latin America and the Caribbean”
- Sarah Marleen Hillewaert, Department of Anthropology, “Youth, global Islam and cyberspace: Exploring how social media are caught up in the radicalization of young Muslims along the Kenyan coast.”
- Ayesha Irani, Department of Historical Studies, “The Making of Bengali Islam: Translation and Conversion on an Islamic Frontier”
- Marc Laflamme, Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, “The Ediacaran Extinction and the Dawn of Animal Life”
- David Seim, Department of Economics, “Behavioural Effects of Wealth Shocks and the Effects of Disability Insurance”
- Andrew Sepielli, Department of Philosophy, “The Roots of Moral Skepticism”
- Erin Tolley, Department of Political Science, “Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block: Visible Minorities and Candidate Nomination in Canadian Politics”
- Ronald Wolthoff, Department of Economics, “Interviews and the Assignment of Workers to Jobs”
- Daniel Wright, Department of English & Drama, “Bad Logic: Reasoning about Desire in the Victorian Novel”