2018 Annual Research Prize Symposium

The UTM Office of the Vice-Principal, Research is hosting its Annual Research Prize Symposium. The symposium takes place Thursday, November 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. in Council Chambers, DV-3130. Research prize winners will give presentations on their work. A reception will follow.
The 2018 research prize recipients are:
Marc Laflamme, authority on Ediacaran biota and professor and geobiologist in the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences who won the prize for Science. He will speak on Complexity in the Oldest Animal Systems,
J. Barton Scott, expert in South Asian religions, and assistant professor in Historical Studies who won the Humanity Prize. He will present Governing Religious Speech: India's Blasphemy Laws in Global Perspective, and
Erin Tolley, expert in immigration, diversity and inclusion, and assistant professor in the Department of Political Science who won the prize for Social Science. She will present, Framed: Race and Political News Coverage in Canada.
“Marc, Bart and Erin are ideal examples of early career faculty who are off to a great start,” says Vice-Principal, Research Kent Moore. “Their pursuit of excellence in their research areas is a tremendous benefit to the campus and to the university community.”
Laflamme, Scott and Tolley will be presented with commemorative plaques and $2,000 each to support their research activity or professional development.
Bryan Stewart, VP, Research 2013-18, established the prizes in 2017 with the UTM Research Council. The research prizes recognize the important contributions of early career researchers and scholars from the broad variety of disciplines at the U of T Mississauga.
The Research Office solicits nominations from department chairs in the Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences. Nominees must meet a number of criteria for excellence including the discovery of new knowledge, the development of advancements through new knowledge, and contribution to training the future investigators, problem-solvers and creative thinkers.
Carla DeMarco, research communications and grants manager in the Research Office invites those interested in attending this year’s Annual Research Symposium to confirm their attendance by emailing her at car.demarco@utoronto.ca.