CIHR and SSHRC Black Students USRA Past Winners

Updated: April 2024


CIHR and SSHRC Black Student Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Past Winners


CIHR Black Student USRAs

Year of CompetitionNameDepartment/DisciplineProject
2024Natasha TweneboahPsychologyEstimating Publication Bias and False Discovery Risk in Clinical Trials
2023Mikisha LyleForensic Science and BiologyCharacterizing Canadian Population Allele Frequency Data for Forensic Human Identity
2023Trudy McKnightForensic BiologyExploring the Population Genetic Structure of Canadian Populations for Forensic Human Identity


SSHRC Black Student USRAs

Year of CompetitionNameDepartment/DisciplineProject
2024Latifah IddPsychologyBlack and Indigenous Supports for Social-Emotional Development
2024Kaylee WeirLanguage StudiesRaciolinguistic Ideologies and the Social Evaluation of Voices
2023Mikaela ClarkeSociologyGoFailMe: Crowdfunding for Health Care in Canada and the United States