The UTM Imaging Facility is a shared resource providing instruction, support, and equipment for researchers performing optical microscopy. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including a conventional confocal microscope, a spinning disc confocal microscope, a confocal system for multiphoton imaging, an epifluorescence microscope, and a tabletop SEM. The facility also provides training, consultation, workshops, and access to software for data analysis.
Researchers must receive training to access the Imaging Facilities. Please complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss your imaging plans and schedule a training session. External researchers can contact us at utm.imaging@utoronto.ca.
Microscopes must be booked in advance. Please log in to BookitLab to make a reservation.
Imaging Facility researchers have access to our microscopes, software, and support services.
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Zeiss LSM 800
The Zeiss LSM 800 is a laser scanning microscope system equipped with an inverted fluorescence microscope, four laser lines, highly sensitive GaAsP detectors, an Airyscan detector, and a transmitted light detector. It is capable of simultaneously acquiring 4 fluorescent images and 1 DIC image in a single sample scan and is able to do three-dimensional fluorescence imaging. Technical specifications are as follows.
- Observer Z1
- High-end fully motorized inverted microscope
- Remote LCD touch screen allowing for remote control of all motorized components
- Motorized Z motor with 10nm reproducibility and customizable variable speed focus control
- Motorized XY scanning stage, minimum travel range of 130x85mm, with <1µm reproducibility. Capable of holding slides, Lab-Tek chambers, 35mm dishes.
- Motorized light path control, condenser, illumination shutters, reflector turret, filter cubes
- Hardware-based focus stabilization, capable of being used for multiple xy locations in combination with z-stack, time course, and spectral imaging, in order to optimize acquisition from live cell experiments
- XY image resolution of 6000x6000 pixels
- Spectral detection with a spectral resolution as low as 1nm, with a range of 400-720nm (detection available >720)
- Spectral un-mixing of up to 10 fluorophores, with 20 spectral channels
- 360-degree rotation of scan field
- Multi-Region of Interest FRAP capability, with ability to vary laser power between FRAP locations
- EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.5
- Plan Apochromat 20x/0.8 NA
- Plan Apochromat 40x/1.4 NA oil immersion
- Plan Apochromat 63x/1.4NA oil immersion
- Differential Interference Contrast for all objectives
Full complement of solid-state lasers, with the following wavelengths and minimum powers, or equivalent. Laser line intensity is variable from 1-100% in 0.1% increments, with full linear response.
- 405nm (5mw)
- 488nm (10mw)
- 555nm (10mw)
- 639mw (5mw)
- Capable of simultaneously acquiring 4 fluorescent images and 1 DIC image in a single sample scan
- Two internal high-sensitivity low noise Gallium Arsenide Phosphide detectors (GaAsP)
- One high-sensitivity low noise super resolution detector (Airyscan)
- Single transmitted light detector for DIC imaging in parallel with confocal
Widefield Fluorescence
- Filters for DAPI, GFP, and Cy3, or equivalent dyes
- Alignment-free extended long life (20000hr) LED fluorescence light source
- Actively dampened isolation table
- Windows 7 professional
- Confocal Operating Software Zen 2.3
The Zeiss LSM 880 is a laser scanning microscope system equipped with an upright fluorescence microscope, four conventional laser lines, and a tunable Insight X3 laser for 2-photon imaging. It has GaAsP detectors, an Airyscan detector, and Big-2 detector for 2-photon imaging. The system delivers super-resolution imaging and fast scanning speed, and is able to do three dimensional imaging. The 2-photo imaging mode, with a long working distance objective, is capable of acquiring optical sections of deep tissue layers. Technical specifications are as follows:
- Examiner Z1, upright
- Objectives are changed manually
- Z-Piezo stage
- EC Plan 10X /0.3 DIC, dry
- W Plan Apo 20x/ 1 w DIC-III, water
- LD LCI Plan-Apo 25x/0.8 W DICII, water / glycerol with or without cover slip / oil with cover slip
- Plan-Apo 63x/1.4 Oil DIC II, with cover slip
- Diode 405nm
- Argon 458nm, 488nm, 514nm
- DPSS 561nm
- HeNe 633
- Gallium Arsenide Phosphide detectors (GaAsP)
- One high-sensitivity low-noise super-resolution detector (Airyscan)
- BiG-2 GaAsP detector for 2-photon imaging
- InsightX3 Tunable laser; 690-1080 nm
- Emission filters for green (500-550 nm) and red (575-610 nm)
- BIG-2 GaAsP detector
Wild field Fluorescence
Filter sets available:
- DAPI, Zeiss filter set 49
- Alexa 488, Zeiss filter set 38
- Alexa 555, Zeiss Filter set 43
Light source:
- X-cite 110 LED
- Newport ST Series
- Windows 7
- Operating Software Zen 2.3 SP1
This acquisition system is an X-Light V2 spinning disk confocal with an LDI-7 laser engine, supplied and integrated by Quorum Technologies. The system is equipped with a stage-top live cell incubator for live cell imaging in 35 mm dishes, or 12-, 24-, 48-, or 96-well plates. Imaging with a confocal spinning disk is useful for high-speed imaging of living cells expressing fluorescent proteins or stained with membrane-permeable synthetic dyes. Photo-bleaching and photo-toxicity are reduced with spinning disk microscopy. Technical specifications are as follows:
- Leica DMi8 inverted microscope with an ASI motorized stage
- 10x, dry
- 20x, dry, long working distance
- 40x, dry
- 63x, water
- 63x, oil
Excitation wavelengths:
- 405 nm
- 445 nm
- 470 nm
- 520 nm
- 528 nm
- 555 nm
- 640 nm
Emission filters:
- 460/50m
- 525/50m
- 610/75m
- 700/75m
- 528/640m (dual Green Red)
- 445/520m (dual CFP YFP)
Prime HS: sCMOS camera
Widefield Fluorescence
Filter sets available:
- DAPI; 11525304; Excitation: 350/50; Emission 460/50; Dichroic: 400
- Y5, size P; 11525312; Excitation: 620/60; Dichroic: 660; Emission: 700/75
- FITC; 11525307; Excitation: 480/40; Dichroic: 505; Emission: 527/30
- RHOD; 11525308; Excitation: 546/10; Dichroic: 560; Emission: 585/40
- X-Cite 110 LED, Lumen Dynamics
Live Cell incubation
- Chamlide TC-W stage-top incubator
- FC-5N CO2/Air Mixer
- Dell 7820 running Windows 10
- Acquisition software Metamorph v7.10.5
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A conventional upright fluorescence microscope, for samples on slide with cover slip. Equipped with Nikon colour CCD camera and acquisition software.
- Phase contrast, NA 0.9, dry
- Nikon Plan UW 1x/0.04 na
- Nikon Plan Fluo 4x /0.13 na
- Nikon Plan Fluo 10x/0.25 na
- Nikon Plan Fluo 20x/0.40 na
- Nikon Plan Fluo 100x1.30 na Oil
Fluorescence Filters
- ET RsRed
- UV-2A
- X-Cite 120
Imaging Software
- NIS-Elements BR3.0
- Nikon DS-Ri1
The NeoScope is a benchtop scanning electron microscope (SEM) that can rapidly acquire images with high magnification, high resolution, and a large depth of field. No special sample preparation (eg. coating) is required.
- 10 - 20,000 X magnification
- Easy automatic or manual control of focus, contrast, and brightness
- High and low vacuum modes
- Three selectable accelerating voltages
- No special sample preparation, for conductive and non-conductive samples
A stereo microscope for sample preparation, mounting, or dissection.
Imaging Facility researchers can visit the Imaging Analysis Workstation to access both commercial and open-source software that will help you take your imaging data from the microscope to publication. Some software licenses also have remote options, allowing researchers to use them from their own workstation.
Licensed software:
- Imaris 10.1
- Volocity
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- GraphPad Prism
All researchers must receive training and approval before being granted access to and use of the Imaging Facility. We ensure excellent and customized training for each user, to support you in following best practices to obtain high quality data. Training will typically consist of a minimum of 3-4 hours of one-on-one, hands-on training, on each piece of equipment.
All researchers will be given a copy of the UTM Imaging Facility Policies and Code of Conduct upon orientation. Failure to follow these policies will result in loss of access to the Imaging Facility.
We are here to support your imaging experiments, and you are welcome to reach out to Imaging Facility staff to ask for additional training or consultation as needed. We kindly request that you acknowledge the Imaging Facility for supporting your work.
We offer yearly workshops on Image Analysis for our facility researchers. Watch this page for announcements.
Internal User Fee Structure
Annual access fee: $250
The annual access fee is a once-yearly fee that includes your entire lab. Access includes training on the microscopes for new users, access to image analysis software, as well as workshops, consultation on experimental design, technical challenges, troubleshooting, and other imaging questions.
Hourly internal user rate: $25/hour
The hourly user rate is charged for time spent on the Zeiss LSM 800, Zeiss LSM 880, and Quorum X-Light V2 confocal microscopes. These fees are used to support repair and preventative maintenance of the Imaging Facility equipment.
External Fee Structure
Please contact us at utm.imaging@utoronto.ca to discuss our fees and services for external users.
Imaging Facility
W.G. Davis | UTM Campus
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Meet the Facility Lead
Katie Harris-Howard
Senior Research Associate
Tel. 416-996-8751