Manage Content

This section contains information about the administrative pages you will find under Manage > Content, information on the tools you can use you create content, as well components that you can incorporate when building content.



The content overview page lists all the content created with content types. It is also where you can access to the overview pages for media and files.

View your content

  1. Go to Manage > Content

Filtering & Operations

Use the filters to find content easier

  • Title refers to the title of the content
  • Type can filter the search by type

The operations column has quick access to the edit and delete button for each content.

  • Edit takes you to the block's edit screen where you can make your revisions
  • Delete deletes the content

Adding Content

The Add Content button is how you can create new content. Refer to each type's documentation for detailed instructions.


Content Types

A single web site could contain many types of content, such as informational pages, news items, profile listings, etc. In Drupal, each item of content is called a node, and each node belongs to a single content type, which defines various default settings for nodes of that type.

A standard UTM Drupal subsite includes the following content types:

See Content Types for details



Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area of a web page. There are different types of blocks available to be placed in on your site.

Some examples:

See Blocks for details



Files serve as the source of media resources.

See Files for details



All images, files, and media embeds are handled by Media. Media is a drop-in replacement for the Drupal core upload field with a unified User Interface where editors and administrators can upload, manage, and reuse files and multimedia assets.

See Media for details


A-Z Index

The A-Z Index offers the functionality to curate a list of links that will appear in a glossary style page at /a-z-index from the root of your site.

See A-Z Index for details


Rich Text Editor

A rich text editor is the interface for editing rich text within web browsers, which presents the user with a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" editing area.

Body fields (other content fields) used by various content types or blocks types uses the rich text editor as a means for editors to create, format, and organize content.

See Rich Text Editor for details



The breadcrumb is a type of secondary navigation that reveals the user’s active trail and location in a website.

See Breadcrumb for details