Faculty & Staff Profiles

This content type is used to create profiles for departmental listings. It includes fields that capture information such as contact information for the individual, educational background, teaching information, and publications. An automatic listing page of these profiles is available.

On this page:




Creating a Profile

  1. Go to Manage > Content
  2. Click Add Content
  3. Select Faculty & Staff Profile
  4. Fill in required fields and other fields in which you want to provide with content
    • Tip: Photo: Use the focal point feature to ensure the image is focused on the face regardless of the crop it may appear in.
    • Warning: Category requires terms to be added to the Faculty Staff Categories vocabulary first. Since this field is required, you will not be able to create or edit profiles until you've provided a list of categories that can be selected. See Faculty & Staff Categories below.
  5. Click Save

The profile page is now published and will appear in appropriate listing displays.


Editing a Profile

  1. Go to Manage > Content
  2. In the Content Overview page, find the page you wish to edit
    • Tip: Use the filter to refine your search. You can set the Content Type to Faculty & Staff Profiles as well as include keywords from the title of the profile content (usually the individual's name)
    • Alternative: You can also find the page where it is normally located when you visit it. If you are logged in and have permission to edit the page, you will be able to see the the local task tabs and click Edit.
  3. Once you find the profile you wish to edit, click Edit 
  4. You will be taken to the page edit screen where you can make your desired changes
  5. Save


Removing a Profile

Profiles can be "removed" one of two ways:

  • Unpublishing: Hides the content from public view
  • Deleting: Permanent removal for your site


Unpublishing a Profile

  1. Go to Manage > Content
  2. In the Content Overview page, find the page you wish to edit
    • Tip: Use the filter to refine your search. You can set the Content Type to Faculty & Staff Profiles as well as include keywords from the title of the profile content (usually the individual's name)
    • Alternative: You can also find the page where it is normally located when you visit it. If you are logged in and have permission to edit the page, you will be able to see the the local task tabs and click Edit.
  3. Once you find the profile you wish to edit, click Edit 
  4. Uncheck the Published checkbox
    • Warning: Unpublished pages are only visible to the content's author when they are logged in.
  5. Save


Deleting a Profile

Please note that deleting content is permanent and irreversible.

  1. Go to Manage > Content
  2. In the Content Overview page, find the page you wish to edit
    • Tip: Use the filter to refine your search. You can set the Content Type to Faculty & Staff Profiles as well as include keywords from the title of the profile content (usually the individual's name)
  3. In the Operations column of the news content you want to delete click the arrow down button next to edit and click Delete
    • Alternative: You can click Edit to go to the page edit screen and click the Delete button at the bottom.
    • Alternative: You can view the page as normal. If you are logged in and have permission to delete the page, you will be able to see the the local task tabs and click Delete.
  4. You will be taken to a confirmation page. Click Delete to confirm.
    • Warning: As with all deletions in Drupal, deleting pages is permanent and cannot be undone.


Setting Profiles as Sticky

People are sorted alphabetically by last name. You may highlight one particular individual and have them appear at the top of list by assigning that individual "sticky at top of lists". 

Sticky profiles will appear visually different in listings.

To set a profile as sticky:

  1. Go to Manage > Content
  2. In the Content Overview page, find the page you wish to edit
    • Tip: Use the filter to refine your search. You can set the Content Type to Faculty & Staff Profiles as well as include keywords from the title of the profile content (usually the individual's name)
    • Alternative: You can also find the page where it is normally located when you visit it. If you are logged in and have permission to edit the page, you will be able to see the the local task tabs and click Edit.
  3. Once you find the profile you wish to edit, click Edit 
  4. In the Promotion Options on the right hand side, check the Sticky at the top of lists checkbox
  5. Save


Faculty & Staff Categories

Faculty & Staff Profiles require categories. The category field for Faculty & Staff Profile content type uses the Faculty Staff Categories vocabulary.

The category field is required by all profiles. You must first provide terms you can use as categories for profiles.


Creating a Category

  1. Go to Manage  > Structure > Taxonomy
  2. Find the Faculty Staff Categories and click List terms
  3. Click Add Term
  4. Provide a Name
    • Warning: Avoid special characters if possible
    • Tip: Refer to the taxonomy best practices  for tips regarding valid terms
  5. Save

The terms you add to Faculty Staff Categories will be available as an option to choose in the category field when you create or edit Faculty & Staff Profiles.


Editing a Category

  1. Go to Manage  > Structure > Taxonomy
  2. Find the Faculty Staff Categories and click List terms
  3. For the term you wish to edit, click Edit
  4. Provide a new Name
  5. Save

Warning: Editing a name will updated to the new name where it is used. However, links (such as in the menu, or in body) that is using the path with the old name will need to be updated manually.


Removing a Category

  1. Go to Manage  > Structure > Taxonomy
  2. Find the News Categories and click List terms
  3. In the Operations column of the term you wish to remove, click the arrow down next to the edit button and click Delete.
  4. You will be taken to a confirmation page. Click Delete to confirm.
    • Warning: As with all deletions in Drupal, deleting a term is permanent and cannot be undone.

Deleting a category would remove any listing views of it. It will also unassign the category to profiles it was associated, although it might not reflect on the page itself right away. If that is the case, submit a ticket to have us clear the cache manually.


Research Area

Research Area taxonomy is used by the research area field. It is optional.

The process for managing Research Area terms is the same as above. Except you are managing the terms in the Research Area vocabulary.



Listing Pages

When you publish Faculty & Staff Profiles, they are automatically added to a people listing page.

By default the people listing page of any subsite can be found under /people.

For example: The people listing in the I&ITS site is located at www.utm.utoronto.ca/iits/people.


Categorized Listings

The default listing will list any profiles that exists. You can also access a filtered list that will only contain content assigned a specific category.

By default it follows the pattern of /people/category/name-of-term.  

For example: I&ITS has a category called "Client Services" and only profiles with categorized as such will appear under /people/category/client-serviceshttps://www.utm.utoronto.ca/iits/people/category/client-services

If you wish to link to a specific listing, you can find the paths available in Site Details page.


Faculty & Staff Profile Settings

There are options available for how people listing pages display that you can configure.

These settings are only for people listing pages. A profile page will display all information as long as the fields are not empty and information is provided. The settings set here affects all people listings in the entire site 


Configuration Options

  • Layout Option
    • This sets the listing page in either one-column, two-column, or three-column layouts
    • The current options may not be optimal for the current size of pages. We recommend 3 Columns at this time.
  • Grouping
    • This enables header titles in listing page for sub categories/groups
  • Toggle Visibility of Items
    • These represent additional fields to show in each profile cards 
      • Link Name To profile
        • Enables the individual's name to link to their full profile page. 
      • Show Picture
        • Enables the profile picture to be displayed on the listing page. If the individual doesn't have a photo, a placeholder (a grey box with their initials) will be displayed instead. 
      • Show Email
        • Enables the email field to appear in the contact information on the listing page 
      • Show Office Hours
        • Enables the office hours field to appear in the contact information on the listing page
      • Show Website
        • Enables the website field to appear in the contact information on the listing page 
    • Warning: A field will not be displayed if there is no content/data regardless of settings 


Managing the Settings

  1. Go to Manage > Configuration
  2. Under UTM, click on Faculty & Staff Profile Settings
  3. Refer to the options above and configure the it to your desired settings
  4. Save Configuration





  • Image
    • Media Image
    • This field dictates the profile's image
    • Uses the Square image style
      • Images will be scaled and cropped to a 1:1 ratio
      • Recommended size is at least 550px wide or larger.


Best Practices

  • The sticky feature is meant to highlight one or two profiles and take them out of the default sort order. This should be used sparingly and only where it makes sense. Do not make several profiles sticky for visual purposes.
  • Let the automatic listing page do the heavy lifting of generating the list of profiles instead of making your own listing page
  • Periodically check the profile listing to ensure content is up to date 
  • Telephone number should be in hyphenated format (ie. 905-569-4455) to ensure it is linked correctly in mobile