Our strategic portfolio at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) encompasses four key service categories tailored to support the needs of our staff, faculty, and students:
Instructional, Classroom, and Campus Event Services: We provide exceptional academic operations and technology services, facilitating successful instructional delivery and campus events with easy access to support resources. Our focus is on improving client experience, minimizing disruptions, and increasing productivity.
Digital Workplace Services: We bring digital technology and solutions to the UTM workplace and community, no matter where they are, while enhancing their experience, supporting campus sustainability goals, and providing equity of access to the digital landscape. Through advanced tools and premium support models, we enable team efficiency, collaboration, and equity of access to the digital landscape.
Infrastructure and Application Services: We provide the UTM community with access, support, and guidance to campus and enterprise platforms, supporting the campus mission. We ensure always-available access and reduce effort to access infrastructure and applications, thereby increasing productivity.
Business Enhancement Services: Provides the UTM community with business analysis and process consultations experts that support the creation of efficient, sustainable applications, service management, process improvements, and transformational change initiatives.
In summary, our strategic portfolio is dedicated to supporting the pursuit of excellence in higher education at UTM by offering comprehensive solutions and support tailored to the diverse needs of our community.