Guest Housing Request Form

Please note that our Guest Housing Suite will be unavailable from June 1-September 13 as it is fully booked. Thank you for your understanding.

This form is to be filled out by the sponsoring UofT department or UofT Mississauga student.

Please select a category
Sponsoring UofT Department OR UofT Mississauga Student Information

Sponsoring UofT Department OR UofT Mississauga Student Information

Primary Guest Information

Primary Guest Information

Do you have a vehicle that requires parking?
Other Guests of the Unit (Maximum of 4)

Other Guests of the Unit (Maximum of 4)

Guest - First Name
more items
Guest - Last Name
more items
Are any of the guests under 18 years of age?
Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information

Payment Information, Departmental Financial Information System (if applicable)

Payment Information, Departmental Financial Information System (if applicable)

Please note that we will require a letter from the department Chair authorizing the transfer of funds.

Guest Housing Occupancy Agreement
By checking this box, I agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Guest Housing Occupancy Agreement
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.