Students wishing to cancel/withdraw must submit a cancellation/withdrawal form to the Residence Services Desk at least 10 business days before their desired date of cancellation/withdrawal.
After submitting this form, you may be contacted by a residence staff representative to confirm your intent to cancel your residence application and schedule an exit meeting, if applicable.
Cancellations & Withdrawals Instructions
The Cancellation & Withdrawal form is currently unavailable. If you wish to cancel your 2024-2025 Residence Application, please email our Residence Services Desk ( with the following information:
1. Student Number
2. First Name
3. Last Name
4. Cancellation Reason
5. Expected Departure Date
- Login to StarRez at with your UTORid & Password
- First year students will select "My Applications" and proceed through the correct application. Upper year students will select "Upper Year Returner" and proceed through the correct application.
- Proceed to the "Application Status"
- Under "Select Next Step", choose "Cancellation/Withdrawal Form"
- Complete the Cancellation/Withdrawal and Hit Submit.

- After ensuring you understand the occupancy agreement, complete the cancellation form and submit.
- After submitting this form, you may be contacted by a residence staff representative to confirm your intent to cancel your residence application and schedule an exit meeting, if applicable.
Cancellations from the Waitlist
If you wish to cancel your application before an offer of occupancy is made, you must submit a request via the Cancellation/Withdrawal form found on StarRez (; application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
An applicant who does not cancel their application prior to an offer of occupancy being made, declines their offer, or does not respond to an offer of occupancy, will forfeit the non-refundable application fee and their space on the waitlist.
If any applicant on the waitlist does not receive an offer of occupancy before December 1 of that academic year, all fees paid will be refunded in full upon request.
Cancellation Prior to Occupancy
If you wish to cancel your Residence Occupancy Agreement at least thirty (30) days before the first date of occupancy*, you must submit a request to the Department of Student Housing & Residence Life via the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form found on StarRez ( Upon receipt of the Cancellation-Withdrawal Form, the resident's assigned space is returned to the pool of available spaces for re-assignment and the resident’s application fee shall be forfeited to the University.
*First date of occupancy references the Residence Move-In Day in August/September. See our dates and deadlines here:
Early Withdrawal During Occupancy
If you withdraw from residence within thirty (30) days prior to the occupancy start date, or during your occupancy, you must submit a request to the Department of Student Housing & Residence Life via the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form found on StarRez ( at least 10 business days prior to the desired date of withdrawal.
Upon completion of the subsequent check out inspection, the resident's assigned space is returned to the pool of available spaces for re-assignment.
Financial Responsibility
If you withdraw from residence within thirty (30) days prior to the occupancy start date, or during your occupancy, the actual date of Occupancy Agreement termination will be defined as the date on which a new suitable occupant has been secured by the department to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
Until a suitable occupancy has been found to fill the vacancy, the Resident shall continue to remain financially responsible for the housing fees as well as all other sums of money that are required to be paid under the terms of the Occupancy Agreement.
If a new occupant is secured, your housing fees would be prorated to the date that the new resident began occupying the space.
See our exact Financial Responsibility Deadline here:
Refund Schedule(s) for Cancellations & Withdrawals
If a student voluntarily cancels their residence within 30 days of their advertised move-in date, that student will be held financially responsible until a suitable occupant has been found to fill the vacant space (please see above or refer to your Occupancy Agreement for more details).
If a student voluntarily withdraws from residence after moving in and is eligible for a refund*, fees will be refunded based on the date that a new resident moves into the vacant space, or based on your move-out date (if a refund is granted based on an appeal). The total fees reimbursed to your ACORN account will correspond with the date of the new resident's move-in on the chart in the link below. Please note that pro-rated fees will not be adjusted to the next level until the date of the next step is reached.
*Students may be eligible for a refund if a student has been found to fill the vacancy (as per section 1.2 of the Housing Occupancy Agreement), or if an appeal has been granted by the Appeals Review Committee.