On September 22, 2016, University of Toronto Mississauga became the 18th Fair Trade Campus in Canada!

What does it mean to UTM to be Fair Trade?
- All non- branded food service outlets on campus will offer Fair Trade coffee exclusively (Doi Chaang), Fair Trade Tea exclusively (Numi, Four O’Clock, & one more coming soon*), Fair Trade sugar exclusively (Camino) and 3 or more Fair Trade Chocolate bar options (Camino, Alter Eco, & Me to We chocolate is coming soon)
- All candy vending machines will offer Fair Trade chocolate bar options and our coffee vending machines will serve Fair Trade coffee (THEOS)
- In all non-branded food service locations, we will use Fair Trade cinnamon in cooking
- Throughout each academic year at UTM we will host a selection of Fair Trade events, including events such as Breakfast ‘n Learns, Lunch events, free product tastings, & giveaways. These events will not only provide an opportunity to try the products, but also be an opportunity to learn, ask questions, and be a part of something biger than UTM.
- Fair Trade Campus Week will continue to be a celebration of Fair Trade and will serve to continue the conversation about Fair Trade initiatives for our campus
- Our Fair Trade Steering Committee will govern how we move forward with implementing Fair Trade initiatives on campus
- Every year we will commit to reconfirming our designation through Fair Trade Canada and we will commit to adding more Fair Trade certified products to our campus.
For the official announcement of the designation, click here.
For more on our Fair Trade Story, click here.
Look for the Fair Trade symbol when purchasing tea, coffee, or chocolate across campus.