Off-Campus Food Partners


Our Off-Campus Partners

We are pleased to share that we have partnerships with brands off-campus in order to provide our community with a plethora of food options depending on the day, where they may also use their UTM Meal Plans. Please explore the below options and email us with any questions you may have.





Visit the WingsUp! Mississauga Fowler website to see:

The WingsUp! Mississauga Fowler location is Halal?

In-Store | Mississauga Fowler*

  1. Let them know you are from UTM and would like to use your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Take your receipt from the cashier
  5. Enjoy!

*Only available for use in-store at the 900 Fowler Drive location)


  1. Call WingsUp! at (905) 624 - 3554 and let them know you are from UTM and would like to place an order using your meal plan funds
  2. Please provide your name and phone number
  3. Place your order
  4. Provide your TCard barcode number to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  5. WingsUp! will prepare your meal
  6. Please ensure you are watching for the delivery:
    1. All deliveries will be made to Oscar Peterson Hall lobby
    2. Please come prepared with your TCard to confirm that you made the order and the barcode matches that which you used to order
    3. You will be asked to provide your signature on the WingsUp! delivery authorization slip
  7. Enjoy!

Please note:

  • If you place an order for delivery there is a minimum transaction value of $12.50 (before taxes & tips) & a small delivery charge of $3 per transaction
  • If you place multiple orders for delivery at the same time to the same delivery location, the delivery charge will be $5


  • The purchase of WingsUp! Mississauga Fowler gift cards cannot be made using meal plan funds
  • If the meal plan account is invalid or has insufficient funds, UTM’s meal plan system server will deny the purchase, and WingsUp! Mississauga Fowler staff will notify customer of invalid account or insufficient funds; please visit UTM eaccounts to add money to your meal plan account
  • UTM’s meal plan system server will not allow purchases if the server is offline or if communication between the meal plan hardware and UTM’s meal plan system is disrupted



Holy Wiches

Holy Wiches
Holy Wiches

Visit the Holy Wiches website to see:

Holy Wiches is Halal?


  1. Let them know you are from UTM and would like to use your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Take your receipt from the cashier
  5. Enjoy!


  1. Call Holy Wiches at (905) 821 – 8887 and let them know you are from UTM and would like to place an order using your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard barcode number to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Please note: all deliveries will be made to the Oscar Peterson Hall lobby
  5. Holy Wiches will prepare your meal
  6. Please ensure you are watching for the delivery:
    1. All deliveries will be made to Oscar Peterson Hall lobby
    2. Please come prepared with your TCard to confirm that you made the order and the barcode matches that which you used to order
    3. You will be asked to provide your signature on the Holy Wiches delivery authorization slip
  7. Enjoy!

Please note:

  • If you place an order for delivery there is a minimum transaction value of $12.50 (before taxes & tips) & a small delivery charge of $3 per transaction
  • If you place multiple orders for delivery at the same time to the same delivery location, the delivery charge will be $5


  • The purchase of Holy Wiches gift cards cannot be made using meal plan funds
  • If the meal plan account is invalid or has insufficient funds, UTM’s meal plan system server will deny the purchase, and Holy Wiches staff will notify customer of invalid account or insufficient funds; please visit UTM eaccounts to add money to your meal plan account
  • UTM’s meal plan system server will not allow purchases if the server is offline or if communication between the meal plan hardware and UTM’s meal plan system is disrupted





Visit the Osmow's Streetsville website to see:

  • Their location
  • Their hours of operation

In-Store | Streetsville*

  1. Let them know you are from UTM and would like to use your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Take your receipt from the cashier
  5. Enjoy!

*Only available for use in-store at the Erin Plaza location (251 Queen St S)


  1. Call Osmow's (Streetsville) at (905) 821 – 8887 and let them know you are from UTM and would like to place an order using your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard barcode number to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Provide your delivery address 
  5. Osmow's will prepare your meal, make sure you watch for the delivery
  6. Enjoy!

Please note:

  • If you place an order for delivery there is a minimum transaction value of $12.50 (before taxes & tips) & a small delivery charge of $3 per transaction
  • If you place multiple orders for delivery at the same time to the same delivery location, the delivery charge will be $5


  • The purchase of Osmow's gift cards cannot be made using meal plan funds
  • If the meal plan account is invalid or has insufficient funds, UTM’s meal plan system server will deny the purchase, and Osmow's staff will notify customer of invalid account or insufficient funds; please visit UTM eaccounts to add money to your meal plan account
  • UTM’s meal plan system server will not allow purchases if the server is offline or if communication between the meal plan hardware and UTM’s meal plan system is disrupted



Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza


Pizza Pizza
Pizza Pizza

Visit the Pizza Pizza website to see:

  • Current deals & sales
  • Menu

In-Store | Erin Plaza*

  1. Let them know you are from UTM and would like to use your meal plan funds
  2. Place your order
  3. Provide your TCard to the cashier for payment (remember - you must have sufficient Flex funds for the transaction to go through)
  4. Take your receipt from the cashier
  5. Enjoy!

*Only available for use in-store at the Erin Plaza location (2255 Erin Mills Parkway)


  1. Call Pizza Pizza at (416) 967 - 1111 
  2. Identify yourself as a University of Toronto Mississauga Meal Plan account holder “I would like to place an order and pay with my UTM Meal Plan”
  3. Provide your name, address, telephone number, and your bar code number (the "2176..." number at the bottom of your TCard)
  4. Place your order

Please note:

  • The purchase of Pizza Pizza gift cards cannot be made using meal plan funds
  • If the meal plan account is invalid or has insufficient funds, UTM’s meal plan system server will deny the purchase, and Pizza Pizza staff will notify customer of invalid account or insufficient funds; please visit UTM eaccounts to add money to your meal plan account
  • UTM’s meal plan system server will not allow purchases if the server is offline or if communication between the meal plan hardware and UTM’s meal plan system is disrupted


Questions? Contact us!

(905) 569-4795
William G. Davis building, Suite 3127

Making experiences, exceptional