UTM Meal Plans

Information for Parents & Guardians

We appreciate that parents and guardians of students want to play an active role in their child's tenure at UTM, particularly with regards to the financial and food service aspects of their Student Meal Plan. We at Hospitality & Ancillary Services understand that the transition of a child into a university environment, particularly if that university is far from home, can be daunting for everyone involved.  We want to help parents and guardians feel comfortable knowing that their child's food service needs are covered as part of the "room and board" offered at UTM.

Due to privacy regulations, we require your child's consent and participation when sharing detailed information with you or others on your child's Student Meal Plan balances, spending habits, food choices, and other related private information. However, if you have any issues or concerns with any of the aforementioned Student Meal Plan related topics, please speak with your child and encourage them to come forward and speak with us.

For further information, please visit the University of Toronto Privacy Policy

If you have any general questions regarding the Student Meal Plan, particularly when your child is still deciding whether or not to attend UTM and/or whether or not to live in residence at UTM, please feel free to contact us. If you would prefer to have a formal meeting, we would be happy to arrange that for you. We can be reached via email at mealplan.utm@utoronto.ca or by phone at (905) 569-4795.

We look forward to speaking with you about how we can help our Student Meal Plans work best for your child to support their success at UTM!   

Questions? Contact us!

(905) 569-4795
William G. Davis building, Suite 3127

Making experiences, exceptional