Sarah Whitlock
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L1C6
What do you do?
My job is to ensure you know what we are doing!
What is your favorite thing about UTM?
From seeing deer & other wildlife as I walk between buildings to the energy, curiosity, and ambition I feel on campus; I love that I am surrounded by so many smart people who are actually changing the world!
What is the part of your role at UTM that you like the most?
I love that I get to be a part of our department sustainability initiatives. I am fortunate enough to be spearheading the Fair Trade program at UTM. Did you know UTM is the first Silver Fair Trade Campus in Canada? I am very proud of that.
What do you like doing outside of work?
I'm always out and about, crazy dogs by my side. Road trips, summiting mountains, canoe trips, traveling the world, rock climbing (outdoors & indoors), learning some martial arts and volunteering with, & training, rescue dogs!
What is your favorite food?
How on earth do you choose? Steak, lobster, pasta, a good pizza, casseroles, roasted asparagus (any veggie, really), grilled corn on the cob, slimy mushrooms, anything home made? Basically anything other than lima beans. I love food.
I was tweeted by Oprah herself - TWICE