
Michael D'Elia

Special Event Coordinator
Hospitality & Ancillary Services (Conference & Event Services)

What do you do? 
I work as a Special Events Coordinator on the Conference & Event Services team to assist faculty, students, and external clients with their events and conferences across campus.  

What is your favorite thing about UTM?
Honestly the people I work with. They make every day feel less and less like work and more like play with their mixture of professionalism and comradery. 

What do you like doing outside of work?
I love finding and restoring old furniture then flipping it. I’ve been doing it for years and find it exciting, creative, and calming at the same time.

What is your favourite food?
Cold Lasagna & Scalloped potatoes. I’m a sucker for cold melted cheese and heavy cream.

Fun Fact:
I travelled solo across Europe for 3 months hitting 11 countries when I was 23.