Program Related Skills
Academic courses in this program provide opportunities to develop the following types of skills. Check out our My Career Centre webpage to learn how to articulate skills you’ve developed in your program to employers and/or academic admissions committees in our Skills from your Academics module (under our ‘Assess Yourself’ section). Make a career counselling or an employment strategy appointment to discuss how you can demonstrate these skills to employers.
- Critical Thinking: Apply psychological theories to better understand factors that influence human behaviour (i.e., genetic, developmental, social) and their effects on real-world issues.
- Oral / Written Communication: Effectively explain abstract psychological concepts to technical and non-technical audiences, in both written and verbal formats.
- Research: Understand methodologies and tools used in psychological research, while adhering to ethical guidelines and ensuring confidentiality & integrity of data throughout collection, analysis and interpretation.
- Statistical Analysis: Utilize statistical techniques and utilize software tools to analyze quantitative data, supporting data-driven decision-making.