If you need help choosing your program, visit this page.
Establishing your career isn’t something that’s done overnight. It’s a gradual process that can be accomplished one small step at a time. Below are some ideas about how you may want to organize some of your career planning based on your year of study. Also, be sure to book an appointment with a career counsellor or employment strategist at any stage in the process to help you find ways of making informed decisions for your own journey.
3 Steps to Help Identify Your Career Options
YEARS 1 & 2

Identify Options (Years 1 & 2)
- Assess your skills, values, personality, interests
- Identify career options
- Build Skills
- Choose the relevant academic program
- Self-reflect: are you on track?
YEARS 2 & 3

Further Education (Years 2 & 3)
Direct Entry into the Workforce
- Get involved, gain relevant experience
- Develop a plan to meet all career criteria.
- Start networking to get professional contacts
- Self-reflect: are you on track?

Direct Entry into the Workforce
- Follow the plan to meet career criteria
- Establish relationships to identify opportunities
- Continue to build experience
- Self-reflect: are you on track?

Online Resources for Recent Graduates
- Self-reflect: Are you where you want to be? If not, what steps can you take? Services are available to you up to two years after convocation.
- Stop by the Career Centre or book an appointment.