Student Staff Assistants



Join an exciting student services team and contribute to the UTM community! The Career Centre's Student Staff hiring process typically begins in February/March. More application details are available on the CLNx website
We are also holding Career Centre Student Staff Hiring Information Sessions to help you prepare! The available dates will be published when available 



The following opportunities are available at the UTM Career Centre and are all CCR Approved:

Career Assistants (CAs) 

Want to help other students? Want to learn more about your own career direction? Career Assistants offer assistance to students in the Career Centre, linking students to relevant print and internet resources about career planning and work search. CAs also perform other duties including researching careers and helping at Career Fairs.

Marketing& Communications Assistants (MCAs) 

Interested in a career in Communications? Advertising? Marketing? Design? Marketing Assistants increase participation in Career Centre services and events by developing and implementing marketing campaigns and producing eye-catching promotional materials.


Events Assistants (EAs) 

The Events Assistants role involves planning and organizing information and logistics for Career Centre events. Event Assistants also do in-person outreach and assist with special events such as Networking Nights, Career Fairs, etc.


Library Assistant (LAs) 

The Library Assistant maintains the collection of both the print and e- Career Resource Library by sorting and updating new career resources as they come in and keeping the collection in order. The LA also scans for the web for career-related articles, searches for unusual careers for our Dare to Be Different feature and recommends best reads from our e-book and print collection for our Books That Make You Think bi-weekly feature. Library Assistants also participate in Career Fairs, research careers, special projects, and helps maintain up-to-date career information on the bulletin board.


Research Assistants (RAs)

Do you enjoy analyzing data and preparing interpretive reports? Looking to further your research skills? This position involves working on assessment and evaluation projects that advance the Career Centre’s services to students and recent grads. You will compile and analyze survey results; prepare reports based on results; assist at on-campus events and be part of a dynamic team!